helpers to support in animating elements and controlling complex animations
helpers to detect browser and device context and be able to react to different states of support for features
helpers for handling DOM elements and browser rendering of them more easily
helpers to deal with (DOM) events more easily
helpers to manage fonts and especially the loading and rendering of remotely loaded webfonts
helpers to work with images, especially to control and track loading behaviour
helpers to deal with user interaction issues, such as selections or scrolling
helpers to handle browser navigation and history manipulation
helpers to handle dynamic asynchronous loading and retrieval of (remote) data
helpers to deal with where elements are relative to the current viewport or to manipulate the viewport, by scrolling somewhere for example
Keep an eye on your browser's dev console, most examples will post statuses there!
Have look at the documentation to find out more about all available functionality, going beyond these examples, which demonstrate only what's in need of a real browser. For reference usage of all methods, keep an eye on the examples in each method's documentation as well as the unit tests in the repo.