Source: grid.styl

 * @namespace Grid

 * @namespace Grid:grid-container

 * Renders the basic properties of a grid container, which is the bracket element for elements, which are
 * to be placed in a grid, thereby making the container, more or less, "the grid itself".
 * The basic characteristic of this container is the pre-definition of usable grid columns, according to our config.
 * @memberof Grid:grid-container
 * @function
 * @name grid-container
 * @alias grid-container
 * @see grid-item
 * @example
 * grid-container()
	display grid
	grid-auto-flow row
	grid-template-columns repeat($jig---grid-config.columns, 1fr)
		'grid-column-gap' : hash-get-deep($jig---grid-config, 'gutters', 'horizontal'),
		'grid-row-gap' : hash-get-deep($jig---grid-config, 'gutters', 'vertical')

 * @namespace Grid:grid-item

 * Renders the basic properties of a grid item, which is an item inside a grid, being placed according to
 * pre-defined columns.
 * The main purpose of this mixin is, to define the space, the item takes inside the grid. To do this, there are
 * several means of definition. Either just giving it a column-based width, aligning it at the end of other,
 * already existing items, or defining a specific area it should cover, by explicitly defining a start and end column
 * or a combination of both.
 * Additionally, the item may also be defined to take up more than one row, adding the native grid capabilities to
 * our concepts.
 * @memberof Grid:grid-item
 * @function
 * @name grid-item
 * @alias grid-item
 * @param {?Number} [$span=null] - the width of the item in columns
 * @param {?Number} [$start=null] - the horizontal start offset of the item in columns, may be combined with end or span
 * @param {?Number} [$end=null] - the horizontal end offset of the item in columns, may be combined with start or span
 * @param {?Number} [$row-span=null] - the height of the item in rows
 * @param {?Number} [$row-start=null] - the vertical start offset of the item in rows, may be combined with row-end or row-span
 * @param {?Number} [$row-end=null] - the vertical end offset of the item in rows, may be combined with row-start or row-span
 * @see grid-container
 * @see grid-item-align
 * @example
 * grid-item(12)
 * grid-item(6, 6)
 * grid-item(null, 2, 2)
 * grid-item(6, null, null, 2)
 * grid-item(6, null, null, null, 0, 5)
	if ($span == null) and ($start == null)
		grid-column-end span $jig---grid-config.columns
		if $span != null
			grid-column-end span $span

		if $start != null
			grid-column-start ($start + 1)

		if ($end != null) and ($span == null)
			grid-column-end ($end + 1)

	if ($row-span != null) or ($row-start != null)
		if $row-span != null
			grid-row-end span $row-span

		if $row-start != null
			grid-row-start ($row-start + 1)

		if ($row-end != null) and ($row-span == null)
			grid-row-end ($row-end + 1)

 * @namespace Grid:grid-item-align

 * Renders properties of a grid item, to define the item's alignment inside the area defined for the item using
 * the grid-item mixin. The usage of this only make sense for grid items.
 * @memberof Grid:grid-item-align
 * @function
 * @name grid-item-align
 * @alias grid-item-align
 * @param {String} [$horizontal=null] - "left"/"start", "right"/"end", "middle"/"center" or "full"/"stretch"
 * @param {String} [$vertical=null] - "top"/"start", "bottom"/"end", "middle"/"center" or "full"/"stretch"
 * @see grid-item
 * @example
 * grid-item-align('left')
 * grid-item-align(center, center)
 * grid-item-align(null, 'full')
grid-item-align($horizontal=null, $vertical=null)
	if $horizontal == 'left'
		$horizontal = 'start'
	else if $horizontal == 'right'
		$horizontal = 'end'
	else if $horizontal == 'middle'
		$horizontal = 'center'
	else if $horizontal == 'full'
		$horizontal = 'stretch'

	if $vertical == 'top'
		$vertical = 'start'
	else if $vertical == 'bottom'
		$vertical = 'end'
	else if $vertical == 'middle'
		$vertical = 'center'
	else if $vertical == 'full'
		$vertical = 'stretch'

	if $horizontal != null
		justify-self unquote($horizontal)

	if $vertical != null
		align-self unquote($vertical)

 * @namespace Grid:gutter-value

 * Returns the value of the defined distance between two columns/rows for a breakpoint.
 * The main usage for this is, to define a property value based on the current gutter.
 * This is why the parameter order may seem flipped, but usually, you'd use this inside a breakpoint
 * using auto-breakpoint detection, primarily rather working with the value itself. For other cases:
 * Remember, that that you can simply use named parameters.
 * @memberof Grid:gutter-value
 * @function
 * @name gutter-value
 * @alias gutter-value
 * @param {String} [$direction='horizontal'] - either "horizontal" or "vertical", determines the gutter direction in the grid
 * @param {String} [$breakpoint='auto'] - a defined breakpoint name or "auto", to use the current breakpoint at the point of usage
 * @returns {Number} the determined gutter value with applied factor and/or addition
 * @throws error if no gutter value could be determined, based on given breakpoint and/or direction
 * @example
 * +breakpoint(medium)
 *   padding-left gutter-value() * 0.5
 * margin-top gutter-value($direction:'vertical', $breakpoint:'small')
gutter-value($direction='horizontal', $breakpoint='auto')
	$direction = to-str($direction)
	$breakpoint = to-str($breakpoint)
	$gutter = hash-get-deep($jig---grid-config, 'gutters', $direction)
	$res = null

	if $gutter != null
		if type($gutter) == 'object'
			$res = breakpoint-value($gutter, $breakpoint)
			$res = $gutter

	if $res == null
		error('jig:gutter-value | could not resolve gutter, check direction and/or breakpoint')

	return $res