Namespace: Interaction:setupAutoTappedStates



setupAutoTappedStates(elementopt, nullable, tappableElementsSelectoropt, nullable, tapEventsopt, tappedClassopt, nullable, tappedDurationopt, nullable)

This function registers a global event handler on the document body, to automatically add "tapped" states (as a CSS class) to "tappable" elements on "tap".

What is a "tap" you ask? Well, it's either a pointer click or a finger touch or anything resembling these actions on your current device.

The idea behind that is this: usually, on pointer devices, we have a :hover state to signify user interaction with an element, while on touch devices, we only know that an interaction took place after a user touched an element with his/her finger, "tapped" it so to speak. Styling a touch with CSS would only be possible via :focus, which has the problems, that focus has a different meaning on pointer devices and the focus state does not end automatically, resulting in trailing visual states.

So, what we do instead, is that we just generally observe taps (via "click" event, which works across devices as expected) and set a class on the element, for a short time, which removes itself automatically again, to be able to define a visual state or a short animation for that class. So, for example, let's say the function has been executed. After that, you can define something like a.tapped { color: orange; }, which would result in orange coloring for a short time, after clicking/touching the element. Combine this with :hover, :focus definitions in CSS to define a complete effect setup.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
element HTMLElement <optional>

the element to use as delegation parent for events, should contain the tappable elements you'd like to target

tappableElementsSelector String <optional>
'a, button, .button, input[type=button], input[type=submit]'

selector to identify a tappable element by in a delegated event handler

tapEvents String | Array.<String> <optional>

the DOM event(s) to register for taps

tappedClass String <optional>

the CSS class to set on the element to signify the "tapped" state

tappedDuration Number <optional>

the duration in milliseconds, the "tapped" state should last


error if element is not an HTMLElement

setupAutoTappedStates(document.body, 'a, button', 'customevent');