new SaneDate(initialValueOrYearopt, monthopt, nullable, dateopt, nullable, hoursopt, nullable, minutesopt, nullable, secondsopt, nullable, millisecondsopt, nullable)
Creates a new SaneDate, either based on, a given initial value or given date parts.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
initialValueOrYear |
Date | SaneDate | String | Number | Object |
<optional> |
null | something, that can be used to construct an initial value, this may be a vanilla Date, a SaneDate, a parsable string, a unix timestamp or an object implementing a method toISOString/toIsoString/getISOString/getIsoString; if this is a number, it will be treated as the year, if any other parameter is set as well; if nullish and all other parameters are not set either, the initial value is |
month |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | month between 1 and 12, to set in initial value |
date |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | date between 1 and 31, to set in initial value |
hours |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | hours between 0 and 23, to set in initial value |
minutes |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | minutes between 0 and 59, to set in initial value |
seconds |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | seconds between 0 and 59, to set in initial value |
milliseconds |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | milliseconds between 0 and 999, to set in initial value |
error if created date is invalid
Type | Description |
Number | the date's day of the month in the range of 1 to 31 |
Type | Description |
Number | the date's hours in the range of 0 to 23 |
Type | Description |
Number | the date's milliseconds in the range of 0 to 999 |
Type | Description |
Number | the date's minutes in the range of 0 to 59 |
Type | Description |
Number | the date's month in the range of 1 to 12 |
Type | Description |
Number | the date's seconds in the range of 0 to 59 |
Type | Description |
Boolean | defines if the date should behave as a UTC date instead of a local date (which is the default) |
Type | Description |
Number | the date's year in the range of 0 to 9999 |
backward(part, amountopt, nullable) → {SaneDate}
Moves the date's time backward a certain offset.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
part |
String | Object | the name of the date part to change, one of "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds" or a dictionary of part/amount pairs ({hours : 1, seconds : 30}) |
amount |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
0 | integer defining the negative offset from the current date, negative value is treated as an error |
error on invalid part name or negative amount
- Type
- SaneDate
let d = new SaneDate();
d = d.backward('years', 1000);
clone() → {SaneDate}
Returns a copy of the current SaneDate. Might be very handy for creating dates based on another with an offset for example. Keeps UTC mode.
- Type
- SaneDate
const d = new SaneDate();
const theFuture = d.clone().forward('hours', 8);
compareTo(initialValueOrSaneDate, typeopt, nullable, withMillisecondsopt, nullable) → {Number}
Compares the date to another date in terms of placement on the time axis.
Returns a classical comparator value (-1/0/1), being -1 if the date is earlier than the parameter. Normally checks date and time. Set type to "date" to only check date.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
initialValueOrSaneDate |
Date | SaneDate | String | Number | Object | SaneDate | anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance |
type |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'datetime' | either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered |
withMilliseconds |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
true | tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime" |
error if compare date is not usable
- Type
- Number
const d = new SaneDate();
if( d.compareTo('2016-04-07', 'date') === 0 ){
alert('congratulations, that\'s the same date!');
format(definitionopt, nullable, localeopt, typeopt, nullable, optionsopt, nullable) → {String}
Returns a formatted string, describing the current date in a verbose, human-readable, non-technical way.
"definition" may be a format shortcut for "dateStyle" (and "timeStyle" if type is "datetime") or a format string, for a custom format, using these tokens:
YY 18 two-digit year; YYYY 2018 four-digit year; M 1-12 the month, beginning at 1; MM 01-12 the month, 2-digits; D 1-31 the day of the month; DD 01-31 the day of the month, 2-digits; H 0-23 the hour; HH 00-23 the hour, 2-digits; h 1-12 the hour, 12-hour clock; hh 01-12 the hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits; m 0-59 the minute; mm 00-59 the minute, 2-digits; s 0-59 the second; ss 00-59 the second, 2-digits; SSS 000-999 the millisecond, 3-digits; Z +05:00 the offset from UTC, ±HH:mm; ZZ +0500 the offset from UTC, ±HHmm; A AM PM; a am pm;
Using these, you could create your own ISO string like this: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
If you use "full", "long", "medium" or "short" instead, you'll use the DateTimeFormatters built-in, preset format styles for localized dates, based on the given locale(s).
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
definition |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'long' | either a preset style to quickly define a format style, by setting shortcuts for dateStyle and timeStyle (if type is "datetime"), set to "none" or nullish value to skip quick format; alternatively, define this as a format string to use a custom format |
locale |
String | Array.<String> |
<optional> |
'en-US' | locale to use for date format and text generation, use array to define fallback; always falls back to en-US if nothing else works |
type |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'datetime' | set to 'datetime', 'date' or 'time' to define which parts should be rendered |
options |
Object |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | options to pass to the Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor, is applied last, so should override anything predefined, if key is reset |
- Source:
- See:
- Type
- String
const d = new SaneDate();
d.format('de-DE', 'long', 'datetime', {timeZone : 'UTC'})
=> '12. Dezember 2023 um 02:00:00 UTC'
=> '2023-12-12T02:00:00'
forward(part, amountopt, nullable) → {SaneDate}
Moves the date's time forward a certain offset.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
part |
String | Object | the name of the date part to change, one of "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds" or a dictionary of part/amount pairs ({hours : 1, seconds : 30}) |
amount |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
0 | integer defining the positive offset from the current date, negative value is treated as an error |
error on invalid part name or negative amount
- Type
- SaneDate
let d = new SaneDate();
d = d.forward('hours', 8);
getDelta(initialValueOrSaneDate, largestUnitopt, nullable, relativeopt, nullable) → {Object}
Calculates a time delta between the SaneDate and a comparison value.
The result is a plain object with the delta's units up to the defined "largestUnit". All values are integers. The largest unit is days, since above neither months nor years are calculable via a fixed divisor and therefore useless (since month vary from 28 to 31 days and years vary between 365 and 366 days, so both are not a fixed unit).
By default, the order does not matter and only the absolute value is used, but you can change this through the parameter "relative", which by setting this to true, will include "-", if the comparison value is in the future.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
initialValueOrSaneDate |
Date | SaneDate | String | Number | Object | SaneDate | anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance |
largestUnit |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'days' | the largest time unit to differentiate in the result |
relative |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
false | if true, returns negative values if first parameter is later than this date (this adheres to the order defined by compareTo) |
error on unknown largestUnit or incompatible comparison value
- Type
- Object
const now = new SaneDate();
const theFuture = now.clone().forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
=> {days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5}
now.getDelta(theFuture, 'hours', true)
=> {hours : -26, minutes : -3, seconds : -4, milliseconds : -5}
getIsoDateString() → {String}
Returns the representation of the date's current date parts (year, month, day) as an ISO-string.
A difference to the vanilla implementation is, that this method respects UTC mode and does not always coerce the date to UTC automatically. So, this will return a local ISO representation if not in UTC mode and the UTC representation in UTC mode.
- Type
- String
const d = new SaneDate();
getIsoString(withSeparatoropt, nullable, withTimezoneopt, nullable) → {String}
Returns the date as an ISO-string.
A difference to the vanilla implementation is, that this method respects UTC mode and does not always coerce the date to UTC automatically. So, this will return a local ISO representation (optionally with timezone information in relation to UTC) if not in UTC mode and the UTC representation in UTC mode.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
withSeparator |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
true | defines if date and time should be separated with a "T" |
withTimezone |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
true | defines if the ISO string should end with timezone information, such as "Z" or "+02:00" |
- Type
- String
const d = new SaneDate();
getIsoTimeString(withTimezoneopt, nullable) → {String}
Returns the representation of the date's current time parts (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) as an ISO-string.
A difference to the vanilla implementation is, that this method respects UTC mode and does not always coerce the date to UTC automatically. So, this will return a local ISO representation (optionally with timezone information in relation to UTC) if not in UTC mode and the UTC representation in UTC mode.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
withTimezone |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
true | defines if the ISO string should end with timezone information, such as "Z" or "+02:00" |
- Type
- String
const d = new SaneDate();
getTimezone() → {String}
Returns the date's current timezone, like it would occur in an ISO-string ("Z", "+06:00", "-02:30").
If you need the raw offset, use the vanilla date's getTimezoneOffset() method.
- Type
- String
const d = new SaneDate()
=> "+09:30"
getVanillaDate() → {Date}
Return the current original JavaScript date object wrapped by SaneDate. Use this to do special things.
- Type
- Date
const d = new SaneDate();
const timezoneOffset = d.getVanillaDate().getTimezoneOffset();
getWeekDay(startingWithopt, nullable, asNameopt, nullable) → {Number|String}
Returns the current day of the week as a number between 1 and 7 or an english day name. This method counts days the European way, starting with monday, but you can change this behaviour using the first parameter (if your week starts with sunday or friday for example).
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
startingWith |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'monday' | set to the english day, which is the first day of the week (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday) |
asName |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
false | set to true, if you'd like the method to return english day names instead of an index |
- Type
- Number | String
const d = new SaneDate();
if( d.getWeekDay() == 5 ){
alert(`Thank god it's ${d.getWeekday(null, true)}!`);
isAfter(initialValueOrSaneDate, typeopt, nullable, withMillisecondsopt, nullable) → {Boolean}
Returns if the SaneDate is later on the time axis than the comparison value.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
initialValueOrSaneDate |
Date | SaneDate | String | Number | Object | SaneDate | anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance |
type |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'datetime' | either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered |
withMilliseconds |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
true | tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime" |
error if compare date is not usable
- Type
- Boolean
const now = new SaneDate();
const theFuture = now.clone().forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
=> false
=> true
isBefore(initialValueOrSaneDate, typeopt, nullable, withMillisecondsopt, nullable) → {Boolean}
Returns if the SaneDate is earlier on the time axis than the comparison value.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
initialValueOrSaneDate |
Date | SaneDate | String | Number | Object | SaneDate | anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance |
type |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'datetime' | either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered |
withMilliseconds |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
true | tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime" |
error if compare date is not usable
- Type
- Boolean
const now = new SaneDate();
const theFuture = now.clone().forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
=> true
=> false
isSame(initialValueOrSaneDate, typeopt, nullable, withMillisecondsopt, nullable) → {Boolean}
Returns if the SaneDate is at the same time as comparison value.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
initialValueOrSaneDate |
Date | SaneDate | String | Number | Object | SaneDate | anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance |
type |
String |
<optional> <nullable> |
'datetime' | either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered |
withMilliseconds |
Boolean |
<optional> <nullable> |
true | tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime" |
error if compare date is not usable
- Type
- Boolean
const now = new SaneDate();
const theFuture = now.clone();
=> true
theFuture.forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
=> false
move(part, amountopt, nullable) → {SaneDate}
Move the date a defined offset to the past or the future.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
part |
String | Object | the name of the date part to change, one of "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds" or a dictionary of part/amount pairs ({hours : -1, seconds : 30}) |
amount |
Number |
<optional> <nullable> |
0 | negative or positive integer defining the offset from the current date |
error on invalid part name
- Type
- SaneDate
let d = new SaneDate();
d = d.move('years', 10).move('milliseconds', -1);