* Module Dates
* @namespace Dates
const MODULE_NAME = 'Dates';
//###[ IMPORTS ]########################################################################################################
import {
} from './basic.js';
import {pad} from './strings.js';
//###[ DATA ]###########################################################################################################
local : {
year : {
setter : 'setFullYear',
getter : 'getFullYear'
month : {
setter : 'setMonth',
getter : 'getMonth',
date : {
setter : 'setDate',
getter : 'getDate',
hours : {
setter : 'setHours',
getter : 'getHours',
minutes : {
setter : 'setMinutes',
getter : 'getMinutes',
seconds : {
setter : 'setSeconds',
getter : 'getSeconds',
milliseconds : {
setter : 'setMilliseconds',
getter : 'getMilliseconds',
utc : {
year : {
setter : 'setUTCFullYear',
getter : 'getUTCFullYear',
month : {
setter : 'setUTCMonth',
getter : 'getUTCMonth',
date : {
setter : 'setUTCDate',
getter : 'getUTCDate',
hours : {
setter : 'setUTCHours',
getter : 'getUTCHours',
minutes : {
setter : 'setUTCMinutes',
getter : 'getUTCMinutes',
seconds : {
setter : 'setUTCSeconds',
getter : 'getUTCSeconds',
milliseconds : {
setter : 'setUTCMilliseconds',
getter : 'getUTCMilliseconds',
//###[ EXPORTS ]########################################################################################################
* @namespace Dates:format
* Returns a formatted string, describing the date in a verbose, non-technical way.
* Under the hood, this uses Intl.DateTimeFormat, which is widely supported and conveniently to use
* for most widely used locales.
* "definition" may be a format shortcut for "dateStyle" (and "timeStyle" if type is "datetime") or a format string,
* for a custom format, using these tokens:
* YY 18 two-digit year;
* YYYY 2018 four-digit year;
* M 1-12 the month, beginning at 1;
* MM 01-12 the month, 2-digits;
* D 1-31 the day of the month;
* DD 01-31 the day of the month, 2-digits;
* H 0-23 the hour;
* HH 00-23 the hour, 2-digits;
* h 1-12 the hour, 12-hour clock;
* hh 01-12 the hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits;
* m 0-59 the minute;
* mm 00-59 the minute, 2-digits;
* s 0-59 the second;
* ss 00-59 the second, 2-digits;
* SSS 000-999 the millisecond, 3-digits;
* Z +05:00 the offset from UTC, ±HH:mm;
* ZZ +0500 the offset from UTC, ±HHmm;
* A AM PM;
* a am pm;
* Using these, you could create your own ISO string like this:
* If you use "full", "long", "medium" or "short" instead, you'll use the DateTimeFormatters built-in, preset
* format styles for localized dates, based on the given locale(s).
* @param {Date} date - the date to format
* @param {?String} [definition='long'] - either a preset style to quickly define a format style, by setting shortcuts for dateStyle and timeStyle (if type is "datetime"), set to "none" or nullish value to skip quick format; alternatively, define this as a format string to use a custom format
* @param {?String|Array<String>} [locale='en-US'] - locale to use for date format and text generation, use array to define fallback; always falls back to en-US if nothing else works
* @param {?String} [type='datetime'] - set to 'datetime', 'date' or 'time' to define which parts should be rendered
* @param {?Object} [options=null] - options to pass to the Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor, is applied last, so should override anything predefined, if key is reset
* @returns {String} - the formatted date/time string
* @memberof Dates:format
* @alias format
* @variation Dates
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat#style_shortcuts
* @example
* format(new Date(), 'de-DE', 'long', 'datetime', {timeZone : 'UTC'})
* => '12. Dezember 2023 um 02:00:00 UTC'
* format(new Date(), 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ')
* => '2023-12-12T02:00:00'
export function format(date, definition='long', locale='en-US', type='datetime', options=null){
utc = (options?.timeZone === 'UTC'),
settersAndGetters = utc
predefinedStyles = ['full', 'long', 'medium', 'short', 'none']
if( hasValue(definition) && !predefinedStyles.includes(definition) ){
let timezone = '';
const offset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
if( !utc && (offset !== 0) ){
hours = pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60), '0', 2),
minutes = pad(Math.abs(offset) - (hours * 60), '0', 2)
timezone = `${(offset < 0) ? '+' : '-'}${hours}:${minutes}`;
const tokenMap = new Map();
tokenMap.set('YYYY', `${date[settersAndGetters.year.getter]()}`);
tokenMap.set('YY', `${date[settersAndGetters.year.getter]()}`.slice(-2));
tokenMap.set('MM', pad(`${date[settersAndGetters.month.getter]() + 1}`, '0', 2));
tokenMap.set('M', `${date[settersAndGetters.month.getter]() + 1}`);
tokenMap.set('DD', pad(`${date[settersAndGetters.date.getter]()}`, '0', 2));
tokenMap.set('D', `${date[settersAndGetters.date.getter]()}`);
tokenMap.set('HH', pad(`${date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]()}`, '0', 2));
tokenMap.set('H', `${date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]()}`);
tokenMap.set('hh', pad(`${
(date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() === 0)
? 12
: (
(date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() > 12)
? date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() - 12
: date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]()
}`, '0', 2));
tokenMap.set('h', `${
(date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() === 0)
? 12
: (
(date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() > 12)
? date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() - 12
: date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]()
tokenMap.set('mm', pad(`${date[settersAndGetters.minutes.getter]()}`, '0', 2));
tokenMap.set('m', `${date[settersAndGetters.minutes.getter]()}`);
tokenMap.set('ss', pad(`${date[settersAndGetters.seconds.getter]()}`, '0', 2));
tokenMap.set('s', `${date[settersAndGetters.seconds.getter]()}`);
tokenMap.set('SSS', pad(`${date[settersAndGetters.milliseconds.getter]()}`, '0', 3));
tokenMap.set('ZZ', timezone.replaceAll(':', ''));
tokenMap.set('Z', timezone);
tokenMap.set('A', `${(date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() >= 12) ? 'PM' : 'AM'}`);
tokenMap.set('a', `${(date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() >= 12) ? 'pm' : 'am'}`);
let formattedDate = definition;
tokenMap.forEach((value, token) => {
formattedDate = formattedDate.replaceAll(token, value);
return formattedDate;
} else {
let formatterOptions = {};
if( predefinedStyles.includes(definition) ){
if( ['datetime', 'date'].includes(type) ){
formatterOptions.dateStyle = definition;
if( ['datetime', 'time'].includes(type) ){
formatterOptions.timeStyle = definition;
locale = orDefault(locale, 'en-US');
(!isArray(locale) && (locale !== 'en-US'))
|| (isArray(locale) && !locale.includes('en-US'))
locale = [].concat(locale).concat('en-US');
formatterOptions = {
...(options ?? {})
return Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, formatterOptions).format(date);
* @namespace Dates:SaneDate
* SaneDate is a reimplementation of JavaScript date objects, trying to iron out all the small fails
* which make you want to pull your hair while keeping the cool stuff in a streamlined manner.
* SaneDates operate between the years 0 and 9999.
* If you create a new SaneDate, it starts off in local mode, always working and returning local information, but
* you may activate UTC mode by defining `.utc = true;`.
* Parsing an ISO string creates a local SaneDate if no timezone is defined, if you define "Z" or an offset, the
* given string is interpreted as UTC info, so "2012-12-12T12:00:00" will set all parts as local information,
* meaning, that the UTC representation may differ according to your timezone, while "2012-12-12T12:00:00Z" will
* set all parts as UTC information, meaning that this is exactly what you get as the UTC representation, but your local
* info will differ according to your timezone. "2012-12-12T12:00:00+02:00" on the other hand, will create UTC
* information, with a negative offset of two hours, since this says: this datetime is two hours in the UTC future,
* so the resulting UTC info will be at 10 o'clock, while your local info will behave according to your timezone in
* regard to that info.
* The relevant date parts of a SaneDate, which are also available as attributes to get and set are:
* "year", "month", "date" (not day!), "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds".
* Additionally, set UTC mode, using the "utc" property.
* SaneDates are very exception-happy and won't allow anything, that changes or produces a date in an unexpected
* manner. All automagic behaviour of JS dates is an error here, so setting a month to 13 and expecting a year jump
* will not work. Dates are very sensitive information and often used for contractual stuff, so anything coming out
* differently than you defined it in the first place is very problematic. Every change to any single property triggers
* a check, if any side effects occurred at all and if the change exactly results in the exact info being represented.
* Any side effect or misrepresentation results in an exception, since something happened we did not expect or define.
* Months and week days are not zero based in SaneDates but begin with 1. Week days are not an attribute
* (and not settable), but accessible via .getWeekDay().
* This whole implementation is heavily built around iso strings, so building a date with one and getting one
* to transfer should be forgiving, easy and robust. Something like '1-2-3 4:5:6.7' is a usable iso string
* for SaneDate, but getIsoString() will return correctly formatted '0001-02-03T04:05:06.700'.
* See class documentation below for details.
* @memberof Dates:SaneDate
* @name SaneDate
* @see SaneDate
* @example
* let date = new SaneDate('1-2-3 4:5:6.7');
* date = new SaneDate('2016-4-7');
* date = new SaneDate('2016-04-07 13:37:00');
* date = new SaneDate(2016, 4, 7);
* date = new SaneDate(2016, 4, 7, 13, 37, 0, 999);
* date.year = 2000;
* date.forward('hours', 42);
class SaneDate {
#__className__ = 'SaneDate';
#invalidDateMessage = 'invalid date, please check parameters - SaneDate only accepts values that result in a valid date, where the given value is reflected exactly (e.g.: setting hours to 25 will not work)';
#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage = 'invalid or out of range';
#date = null;
#utc = false;
* Creates a new SaneDate, either based on Date.now(), a given initial value or given date parts.
* @param {?Date|SaneDate|String|Number|Object} [initialValueOrYear=null] - something, that can be used to construct an initial value, this may be a vanilla Date, a SaneDate, a parsable string, a unix timestamp or an object implementing a method toISOString/toIsoString/getISOString/getIsoString; if this is a number, it will be treated as the year, if any other parameter is set as well; if nullish and all other parameters are not set either, the initial value is Date.now()
* @param {?Number} [month=null] - month between 1 and 12, to set in initial value
* @param {?Number} [date=null] - date between 1 and 31, to set in initial value
* @param {?Number} [hours=null] - hours between 0 and 23, to set in initial value
* @param {?Number} [minutes=null] - minutes between 0 and 59, to set in initial value
* @param {?Number} [seconds=null] - seconds between 0 and 59, to set in initial value
* @param {?Number} [milliseconds=null] - milliseconds between 0 and 999, to set in initial value
* @throws error if created date is invalid
constructor(initialValueOrYear=null, month=null, date=null, hours=null, minutes=null, seconds=null, milliseconds=null){
const __methodName__ = 'constructor';
let year = null;
const definedIndividualDateParts = {year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds};
let hasDefinedIndividualDateParts = Object.values(definedIndividualDateParts).filter(part => isNumber(part)).length >= 1;
if( initialValueOrYear instanceof SaneDate ){
this.#date = initialValueOrYear.getVanillaDate();
} else if( isDate(initialValueOrYear) ){
this.#date = initialValueOrYear;
} else if( isString(initialValueOrYear) ){
this.#date = this.#parseIsoString(initialValueOrYear);
} else if( isNumber(initialValueOrYear) ){
if( hasDefinedIndividualDateParts ){
year = parseInt(initialValueOrYear, 10);
definedIndividualDateParts.year = year;
} else {
this.#date = new Date(initialValueOrYear);
} else if(
&& (
|| isFunction(initialValueOrYear.toIsoString)
|| isFunction(initialValueOrYear.getISOString)
|| isFunction(initialValueOrYear.getIsoString)
this.#date = this.#parseIsoString(
?? initialValueOrYear.toIsoString?.()
?? initialValueOrYear.getISOString?.()
?? initialValueOrYear.getIsoString?.()
if( !isDate(this.#date) ){
this.#date = hasDefinedIndividualDateParts ? new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:00.0') : new Date();
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | ${this.#invalidDateMessage}`
if( hasDefinedIndividualDateParts ){
.filter(([_, value]) => isNumber(value))
.forEach(([part, value]) => {
this[part] = value;
* Creates getters and setters to leisurely access and change date properties by using property assignments
* instead of method calls. This method provides most of the public interface of every SaneDate object.
* @private
const propertyConfig = {
enumerable : true
* @name SaneDate#utc
* @property {Boolean} - defines if the date should behave as a UTC date instead of a local date (which is the default)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'utc', {
this.#utc = !!utc;
return this.#utc;
* @name SaneDate#year
* @property {Number} - the date's year in the range of 0 to 9999
Object.defineProperty(this, 'year', {
const __methodName__ = 'set year';
year = parseInt(year, 10);
&& (year >= 0 && year <= 9999),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | year ${this.#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage} (0...9999)`
this.#tryDatePartChange('year', year);
const settersAndGetters = this.#utc
return this.#date[settersAndGetters.year.getter]();
* @name SaneDate#month
* @property {Number} - the date's month in the range of 1 to 12
Object.defineProperty(this, 'month', {
const __methodName__ = 'set month';
month = parseInt(month, 10);
&& (month >= 1 && month <= 12),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | month ${this.#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage} (1...12)`
this.#tryDatePartChange('month', month - 1);
const settersAndGetters = this.#utc
return this.#date[settersAndGetters.month.getter]() + 1;
* @name SaneDate#date
* @property {Number} - the date's day of the month in the range of 1 to 31
Object.defineProperty(this, 'date', {
const __methodName__ = 'set date';
date = parseInt(date, 10);
&& (date >= 1 && date <= 31),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | date ${this.#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage} (1...31)`
this.#tryDatePartChange('date', date);
const settersAndGetters = this.#utc
return this.#date[settersAndGetters.date.getter]();
* @name SaneDate#hours
* @property {Number} - the date's hours in the range of 0 to 23
Object.defineProperty(this, 'hours',{
const __methodName__ = 'set hours';
hours = parseInt(hours, 10);
&& (hours >= 0 && hours <= 23),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | hours ${this.#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage} (0...23)`
this.#tryDatePartChange('hours', hours);
const settersAndGetters = this.#utc
return this.#date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]();
* @name SaneDate#minutes
* @property {Number} - the date's minutes in the range of 0 to 59
Object.defineProperty(this, 'minutes', {
const __methodName__ = 'set hours';
minutes = parseInt(minutes, 10);
&& (minutes >= 0 && minutes <= 59),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | minutes ${this.#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage} (0...59)`
this.#tryDatePartChange('minutes', minutes);
const settersAndGetters = this.#utc
return this.#date[settersAndGetters.minutes.getter]();
* @name SaneDate#seconds
* @property {Number} - the date's seconds in the range of 0 to 59
Object.defineProperty(this, 'seconds', {
const __methodName__ = 'set seconds';
seconds = parseInt(seconds, 10);
&& (seconds >= 0 && seconds <= 59),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | seconds ${this.#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage} (0...59)`
this.#tryDatePartChange('seconds', seconds);
const settersAndGetters = this.#utc
return this.#date[settersAndGetters.seconds.getter]();
* @name SaneDate#milliseconds
* @property {Number} - the date's milliseconds in the range of 0 to 999
Object.defineProperty(this, 'milliseconds', {
const __methodName__ = 'set milliseconds';
milliseconds = parseInt(milliseconds, 10);
&& (milliseconds >= 0 && milliseconds <= 999),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | milliseconds ${this.#paramInvalidOrOutOfRangeMessage} (0...999)`
this.#tryDatePartChange('milliseconds', milliseconds);
const settersAndGetters = this.#utc
return this.#date[settersAndGetters.milliseconds.getter]();
* Returns the current day of the week as a number between 1 and 7 or an english day name.
* This method counts days the European way, starting with monday, but you can change this
* behaviour using the first parameter (if your week starts with sunday or friday for example).
* @param {?String} [startingWith='monday'] - set to the english day, which is the first day of the week (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
* @param {?Boolean} [asName=false] - set to true, if you'd like the method to return english day names instead of an index
* @returns {Number|String} weekday index between 1 and 7 or english name of the day
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* if( d.getWeekDay() == 5 ){
* alert(`Thank god it's ${d.getWeekday(null, true)}!`);
* }
getWeekDay(startingWith='monday', asName=false){
const __methodName__ = 'getWeekDay';
const weekdays = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'];
startingWith = orDefault(startingWith, weekdays[1], 'str');
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | unknown weekday "${startingWith}"`
let day = this.#utc ? this.#date.getUTCDay() : this.#date.getDay();
if( asName ) return weekdays[day];
const offset = day - weekdays.indexOf(startingWith);
if( offset < 0 ){
day = 7 + offset;
} else {
day = offset;
return day + 1;
* Returns the date's current timezone, like it would occur in an ISO-string ("Z", "+06:00", "-02:30").
* If you need the raw offset, use the vanilla date's getTimezoneOffset() method.
* @returns {String} - the timezone string
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate()
* d.getTimezone()
* => "+09:30"
if( this.#utc ) return 'Z';
const offset = this.#date.getTimezoneOffset();
if( offset === 0 ){
return 'Z';
} else {
hours = this.#padWithZero(Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60), 2),
minutes = this.#padWithZero(Math.abs(offset) - (hours * 60), 2)
return `${(offset < 0) ? '+' : '-'}${hours}:${minutes}`;
* Returns the representation of the date's current date parts (year, month, day) as an ISO-string.
* A difference to the vanilla implementation is, that this method respects UTC mode and does not always
* coerce the date to UTC automatically. So, this will return a local ISO representation if not in UTC mode
* and the UTC representation in UTC mode.
* @returns {String} date ISO-string of the format "2016-04-07"
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* thatDatePicker.setValue(d.getIsoDateString());
year = this.#padWithZero(this.year, 4),
month = this.#padWithZero(this.month, 2),
date = this.#padWithZero(this.date, 2)
return `${year}-${month}-${date}`;
* Returns the representation of the date's current time parts (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) as an
* ISO-string.
* A difference to the vanilla implementation is, that this method respects UTC mode and does not always
* coerce the date to UTC automatically. So, this will return a local ISO representation (optionally with
* timezone information in relation to UTC) if not in UTC mode and the UTC representation in UTC mode.
* @param {?Boolean} [withTimezone=true] - defines if the ISO string should end with timezone information, such as "Z" or "+02:00"
* @returns {String} time ISO-string of the format "12:59:00.123Z"
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* thatDatePicker.setValue(`2023-12-12T${d.getIsoTimeString()}`);
withTimezone = orDefault(withTimezone, true, 'bool');
hours = this.#padWithZero(this.hours, 2),
minutes = this.#padWithZero(this.minutes, 2),
seconds = this.#padWithZero(this.seconds, 2),
milliseconds = this.#padWithZero(this.milliseconds, 3),
timezone = this.getTimezone()
return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}${(milliseconds > 0) ? '.'+milliseconds : ''}${withTimezone ? timezone : ''}`;
* Returns the date as an ISO-string.
* A difference to the vanilla implementation is, that this method respects UTC mode and does not always
* coerce the date to UTC automatically. So, this will return a local ISO representation (optionally with
* timezone information in relation to UTC) if not in UTC mode and the UTC representation in UTC mode.
* @param {?Boolean} [withSeparator=true] - defines if date and time should be separated with a "T"
* @param {?Boolean} [withTimezone=true] - defines if the ISO string should end with timezone information, such as "Z" or "+02:00"
* @returns {String} ISO-string of the format "2016-04-07T13:37:00.222Z"
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* thatDateTimePicker.setValue(d.getIsoString());
getIsoString(withSeparator=true, withTimezone=true){
withSeparator = orDefault(withSeparator, true, 'bool');
return `${this.getIsoDateString()}${withSeparator ? 'T' : ' '}${this.getIsoTimeString(withTimezone)}`;
* Returns a formatted string, describing the current date in a verbose, human-readable, non-technical way.
* "definition" may be a format shortcut for "dateStyle" (and "timeStyle" if type is "datetime") or a format string,
* for a custom format, using these tokens:
* YY 18 two-digit year;
* YYYY 2018 four-digit year;
* M 1-12 the month, beginning at 1;
* MM 01-12 the month, 2-digits;
* D 1-31 the day of the month;
* DD 01-31 the day of the month, 2-digits;
* H 0-23 the hour;
* HH 00-23 the hour, 2-digits;
* h 1-12 the hour, 12-hour clock;
* hh 01-12 the hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits;
* m 0-59 the minute;
* mm 00-59 the minute, 2-digits;
* s 0-59 the second;
* ss 00-59 the second, 2-digits;
* SSS 000-999 the millisecond, 3-digits;
* Z +05:00 the offset from UTC, ±HH:mm;
* ZZ +0500 the offset from UTC, ±HHmm;
* A AM PM;
* a am pm;
* Using these, you could create your own ISO string like this:
* If you use "full", "long", "medium" or "short" instead, you'll use the DateTimeFormatters built-in, preset
* format styles for localized dates, based on the given locale(s).
* @param {?String} [definition='long'] - either a preset style to quickly define a format style, by setting shortcuts for dateStyle and timeStyle (if type is "datetime"), set to "none" or nullish value to skip quick format; alternatively, define this as a format string to use a custom format
* @param {?String|Array<String>} [locale='en-US'] - locale to use for date format and text generation, use array to define fallback; always falls back to en-US if nothing else works
* @param {?String} [type='datetime'] - set to 'datetime', 'date' or 'time' to define which parts should be rendered
* @param {?Object} [options=null] - options to pass to the Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor, is applied last, so should override anything predefined, if key is reset
* @returns {String} - the formatted date/time string
* @see format(Dates)
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/DateTimeFormat#style_shortcuts
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* d.format('de-DE', 'long', 'datetime', {timeZone : 'UTC'})
* => '12. Dezember 2023 um 02:00:00 UTC'
* d.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ')
* => '2023-12-12T02:00:00'
format(definition='long', locale='en-US', type='datetime', options=null){
options = orDefault(options, {});
if( !hasValue(options.timeZone) && this.#utc ){
options.timeZone = 'UTC';
return format(this.#date, definition, locale, type, options);
* Return the current original JavaScript date object wrapped by SaneDate.
* Use this to do special things.
* @returns {Date} the original JavaScript date object
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* const timezoneOffset = d.getVanillaDate().getTimezoneOffset();
return this.#date;
* Compares the date to another date in terms of placement on the time axis.
* Returns a classical comparator value (-1/0/1), being -1 if the date is earlier than the parameter.
* Normally checks date and time. Set type to "date" to only check date.
* @param {?Date|SaneDate|String|Number|Object|SaneDate} initialValueOrSaneDate - anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance
* @param {?String} [type='datetime'] - either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered
* @param {?Boolean} [withMilliseconds=true] - tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime"
* @throws error if compare date is not usable
* @returns {Number} -1 if this date is smaller/earlier, 0 if identical, 1 if this date is bigger/later
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* if( d.compareTo('2016-04-07', 'date') === 0 ){
* alert('congratulations, that\'s the same date!');
* }
compareTo(initialValueOrSaneDate, type='datetime', withMilliseconds=true){
type = orDefault(type, 'datetime', 'string');
withMilliseconds = orDefault(withMilliseconds, true, 'bool');
saneDate = new SaneDate(initialValueOrSaneDate),
dateCompareGetters = [
timeCompareGetters = [
millisecondsCompareGetter = DATE_PART_SETTERS_AND_GETTERS.utc.milliseconds.getter
let compareGetters = [].concat(dateCompareGetters);
if( type === 'datetime' ){
compareGetters = compareGetters.concat(timeCompareGetters);
if( withMilliseconds ){
compareGetters = compareGetters.concat(millisecondsCompareGetter);
let ownValue, compareValue, comparator;
for( const compareGetter of compareGetters ){
ownValue = this.#date[compareGetter]();
compareValue = saneDate.getVanillaDate()[compareGetter]();
comparator = (ownValue < compareValue)
? -1
: ((ownValue > compareValue) ? 1 : 0)
if( comparator !== 0 ){
return comparator;
* Returns if the SaneDate is earlier on the time axis than the comparison value.
* @param {?Date|SaneDate|String|Number|Object|SaneDate} initialValueOrSaneDate - anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance
* @param {?String} [type='datetime'] - either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered
* @param {?Boolean} [withMilliseconds=true] - tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime"
* @throws error if compare date is not usable
* @returns {Boolean} true if SaneDate is earlier than compare value
* @example
* const now = new SaneDate();
* const theFuture = now.clone().forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
* now.isBefore(theFuture)
* => true
* theFuture.isBefore(now)
* => false
isBefore(initialValueOrSaneDate, type='datetime', withMilliseconds=true){
return this.compareTo(initialValueOrSaneDate, type, withMilliseconds) === -1;
* Returns if the SaneDate is later on the time axis than the comparison value.
* @param {?Date|SaneDate|String|Number|Object|SaneDate} initialValueOrSaneDate - anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance
* @param {?String} [type='datetime'] - either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered
* @param {?Boolean} [withMilliseconds=true] - tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime"
* @throws error if compare date is not usable
* @returns {Boolean} true if SaneDate is later than compare value
* @example
* const now = new SaneDate();
* const theFuture = now.clone().forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
* now.isAfter(theFuture)
* => false
* theFuture.isAfter(now)
* => true
isAfter(initialValueOrSaneDate, type='datetime', withMilliseconds=true){
return this.compareTo(initialValueOrSaneDate, type, withMilliseconds) === 1;
* Returns if the SaneDate is at the same time as comparison value.
* @param {?Date|SaneDate|String|Number|Object|SaneDate} initialValueOrSaneDate - anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance
* @param {?String} [type='datetime'] - either "datetime" or "date", telling the method if time should be considered
* @param {?Boolean} [withMilliseconds=true] - tells the method if milliseconds should be considered if type is "datetime"
* @throws error if compare date is not usable
* @returns {Boolean} true if SaneDate is at the same time as compare value
* @example
* const now = new SaneDate();
* const theFuture = now.clone();
* now.isSame(theFuture)
* => true
* theFuture.forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
* theFuture.isSame(now)
* => false
isSame(initialValueOrSaneDate, type='datetime', withMilliseconds=true){
return this.compareTo(initialValueOrSaneDate, type, withMilliseconds) === 0;
* Move the date a defined offset to the past or the future.
* @param {String|Object} part - the name of the date part to change, one of "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds" or a dictionary of part/amount pairs ({hours : -1, seconds : 30})
* @param {?Number} [amount=0] - negative or positive integer defining the offset from the current date
* @throws error on invalid part name
* @returns {SaneDate} the SaneDate instance
* @example
* let d = new SaneDate();
* d = d.move('years', 10).move('milliseconds', -1);
move(part, amount=0){
const __methodName__ = 'move;'
amount = orDefault(amount, 0, 'int');
settersAndGetters = DATE_PART_SETTERS_AND_GETTERS.utc,
parts = ['years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds']
let partDict = {};
if( !isPlainObject(part) ){
partDict[part] = amount;
} else {
partDict = part;
Object.keys(partDict).forEach(part => {
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | part must be one of ${parts.join(', ')}, is "${part}"`
Object.entries(partDict).forEach(([part, amount]) => {
switch( part ){
case 'years':
this.#date[settersAndGetters.year.setter](this.#date[settersAndGetters.year.getter]() + amount);
case 'months':
this.#date[settersAndGetters.month.setter](this.#date[settersAndGetters.month.getter]() + amount);
case 'days':
this.#date[settersAndGetters.date.setter](this.#date[settersAndGetters.date.getter]() + amount);
case 'hours':
this.#date[settersAndGetters.hours.setter](this.#date[settersAndGetters.hours.getter]() + amount);
case 'minutes':
this.#date[settersAndGetters.minutes.setter](this.#date[settersAndGetters.minutes.getter]() + amount);
case 'seconds':
this.#date[settersAndGetters.seconds.setter](this.#date[settersAndGetters.seconds.getter]() + amount);
case 'milliseconds':
this.#date[settersAndGetters.milliseconds.setter](this.#date[settersAndGetters.milliseconds.getter]() + amount);
return this;
* Moves the date's time forward a certain offset.
* @param {String|Object} part - the name of the date part to change, one of "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds" or a dictionary of part/amount pairs ({hours : 1, seconds : 30})
* @param {?Number} [amount=0] - integer defining the positive offset from the current date, negative value is treated as an error
* @throws error on invalid part name or negative amount
* @returns {SaneDate} the SaneDate instance
* @example
* let d = new SaneDate();
* d = d.forward('hours', 8);
forward(part, amount=0){
__methodName__ = 'forward',
amountMustBePositiveMessage = 'amount must be >= 0'
part = `${part}`;
amount = orDefault(amount, 0, 'int');
let partDict = {};
if( !isPlainObject(part) ){
amount >= 0,
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | ${amountMustBePositiveMessage}`
partDict[part] = amount;
} else {
partDict = part;
Object.entries(partDict).forEach(([part, amount]) => {
amount = parseInt(amount, 10);
amount >= 0,
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | ${amountMustBePositiveMessage}`
partDict[part] = amount;
return this.move(partDict);
* Moves the date's time backward a certain offset.
* @param {String|Object} part - the name of the date part to change, one of "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds" or a dictionary of part/amount pairs ({hours : 1, seconds : 30})
* @param {?Number} [amount=0] - integer defining the negative offset from the current date, negative value is treated as an error
* @throws error on invalid part name or negative amount
* @returns {SaneDate} the SaneDate instance
* @example
* let d = new SaneDate();
* d = d.backward('years', 1000);
backward(part, amount=0){
__methodName__ = 'backward',
amountMustBePositiveMessage = 'amount must be >= 0'
part = `${part}`;
amount = orDefault(amount, 0, 'int');
let partDict = {};
if( !isPlainObject(part) ){
amount >= 0,
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | ${amountMustBePositiveMessage}`
partDict[part] = (amount === 0) ? 0 : -amount;
} else {
partDict = part;
Object.entries(partDict).forEach(([part, amount]) => {
amount >= 0,
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | ${amountMustBePositiveMessage}`
partDict[part] = (amount === 0) ? 0 : -amount;
return this.move(partDict);
* Calculates a time delta between the SaneDate and a comparison value.
* The result is a plain object with the delta's units up to the defined "largestUnit". All values are integers.
* The largest unit is days, since above neither months nor years are calculable via a fixed divisor and therefore
* useless (since month vary from 28 to 31 days and years vary between 365 and 366 days, so both are not a fixed
* unit).
* By default, the order does not matter and only the absolute value is used, but you can change this
* through the parameter "relative", which by setting this to true, will include "-", if the comparison value
* is in the future.
* @param {?Date|SaneDate|String|Number|Object|SaneDate} initialValueOrSaneDate - anything compatible to the SaneDate constructor or a SaneDate instance
* @param {?String} [largestUnit='days'] - the largest time unit to differentiate in the result
* @param {?Boolean} [relative=false] - if true, returns negative values if first parameter is later than this date (this adheres to the order defined by compareTo)
* @throws error on unknown largestUnit or incompatible comparison value
* @returns {Object} time delta object in the format {days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5} (keys depending on largestUnit)
* @example
* const now = new SaneDate();
* const theFuture = now.clone().forward({days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5});
* now.getDelta(theFuture)
* => {days : 1, hours : 2, minutes : 3, seconds : 4, milliseconds : 5}
* now.getDelta(theFuture, 'hours', true)
* => {hours : -26, minutes : -3, seconds : -4, milliseconds : -5}
getDelta(initialValueOrSaneDate, largestUnit='days', relative=false){
const __methodName__ = 'getDelta';
const saneDate = new SaneDate(initialValueOrSaneDate);
largestUnit = orDefault(largestUnit, 'days', 'string');
['days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds'].includes(largestUnit),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | unknown largest unit`
relative = orDefault(relative, false, 'bool');
const parts = {};
let delta = relative
? (this.#date.getTime() - saneDate.#date.getTime())
: Math.abs(this.#date.getTime() - saneDate.#date.getTime())
const negativeDelta = delta < 0;
delta = Math.abs(delta);
if( largestUnit === 'days' ){
parts.days = Math.floor(delta / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
delta -= parts.days * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
largestUnit = 'hours';
if( largestUnit === 'hours' ){
parts.hours = Math.floor(delta / 1000 / 60 / 60);
delta -= parts.hours * 1000 * 60 * 60;
largestUnit = 'minutes';
if( largestUnit === 'minutes' ){
parts.minutes = Math.floor(delta / 1000 / 60);
delta -= parts.minutes * 1000 * 60;
largestUnit = 'seconds';
if( largestUnit === 'seconds' ){
parts.seconds = Math.floor(delta / 1000);
delta -= parts.seconds * 1000;
largestUnit = 'milliseconds';
if( largestUnit === 'milliseconds' ){
parts.milliseconds = delta;
if( negativeDelta ){
for( const partName in parts ){
parts[partName] = (parts[partName] === 0) ? 0 : -parts[partName];
return parts;
* Returns a copy of the current SaneDate.
* Might be very handy for creating dates based on another with an offset for example.
* Keeps UTC mode.
* @returns {SaneDate} copy of current SaneDate instance
* @example
* const d = new SaneDate();
* const theFuture = d.clone().forward('hours', 8);
const clonedSaneDate = new SaneDate(new Date(this.getVanillaDate().getTime()));
clonedSaneDate.utc = this.#utc;
return clonedSaneDate;
* Adds leading zeroes to values, which are not yet of a defined expected length.
* @param {*} value - the value to pad
* @param {?Number} [digitCount=2] - the number of digits, the result has to have at least
* @returns {String} the padded value, will always be cast to a string
* @private
* @example
* this.#padWithZero(1, 4)
* => '0001'
#padWithZero(value, digitCount=2){
return pad(value, '0', digitCount);
* Tries to parse an ISO string (or at least, something resembling an ISO string) into a date.
* The basic idea of this method is, that it is supposed to be fairly forgiving, as long as the info is there,
* even in a little wonky notation, this should result in a successfully created SaneDate.
* @param {String} isoString - something resembling an ISO string, that we can create a date from
* @throws error if isoString is not usable
* @returns {Date} the date create from the given ISO string
* @private
* @example
* this.#parseIsoString('2018-02-28T13:37:00')
* this.#parseIsoString('1-2-3 4:5:6.7')
__methodName__ = '#parseIsoString',
unparsableIsoStringMessage = 'ISO string not parsable'
isoString = `${isoString}`;
year = 1970,
month = 1,
date = 1,
hours = 0,
minutes = 0,
seconds = 0,
milliseconds = 0,
timezoneOffset = 0,
utc = false
let isoStringParts = isoString.split('T');
if( isoStringParts.length === 1 ){
isoStringParts = isoStringParts[0].split(' ');
// date parts
const isoStringDateParts = isoStringParts[0].split('-');
year = isoStringDateParts[0];
if( isoStringDateParts.length >= 2 ){
month = isoStringDateParts[1];
if( isoStringDateParts.length >= 3 ){
date = isoStringDateParts[2];
// time parts
if( isoStringParts.length >= 2 ){
// timezone
let isoStringTimezoneParts = isoStringParts[1].split('Z');
if( isoStringTimezoneParts.length >= 2 ){
utc = true;
} else {
let offsetFactor = 0;
if( isoStringTimezoneParts[0].includes('+') ){
offsetFactor = -1;
isoStringTimezoneParts = isoStringTimezoneParts[0].split('+');
} else if( isoStringTimezoneParts[0].includes('-') ){
offsetFactor = 1;
isoStringTimezoneParts = isoStringTimezoneParts[0].split('-');
if( isoStringTimezoneParts.length >= 2 ){
const isoStringTimezoneTimeParts = isoStringTimezoneParts[1].split(':');
if( isoStringTimezoneTimeParts.length >= 2 ){
timezoneOffset += parseInt(isoStringTimezoneTimeParts[0], 10) * 60;
timezoneOffset += parseInt(isoStringTimezoneTimeParts[1], 10);
} else if( isoStringTimezoneTimeParts[0].length >= 3 ){
timezoneOffset += parseInt(isoStringTimezoneTimeParts[0].slice(0, 2), 10) * 60;
timezoneOffset += parseInt(isoStringTimezoneTimeParts[1].slice(2), 10);
} else {
timezoneOffset += parseInt(isoStringTimezoneTimeParts[0], 10) * 60;
timezoneOffset *= offsetFactor;
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | invalid timezone "${isoStringTimezoneParts[1]}"`
// hours and minutes
const isoStringTimeParts = isoStringTimezoneParts[0].split(':');
hours = isoStringTimeParts[0];
if( isoStringTimeParts.length >= 2 ){
minutes = isoStringTimeParts[1];
// seconds and milliseconds
if( isoStringTimeParts.length >= 3 ){
const isoStringSecondsParts = isoStringTimeParts[2].split('.');
seconds = isoStringSecondsParts[0];
if( isoStringSecondsParts.length >= 2 ){
milliseconds = isoStringSecondsParts[1];
if( milliseconds.length > 3 ){
milliseconds = milliseconds.slice(0, 3);
} else if( milliseconds.length === 2 ){
milliseconds = `${parseInt(milliseconds, 10) * 10}`;
} else if( milliseconds.length === 1 ){
milliseconds = `${parseInt(milliseconds, 10) * 100}`;
// date construction
const saneDate = new SaneDate();
saneDate.utc = utc || (timezoneOffset !== 0);
try {
saneDate.year = year;
saneDate.month = month;
saneDate.date = date;
saneDate.hours = hours;
saneDate.minutes = minutes;
saneDate.seconds = seconds;
saneDate.milliseconds = milliseconds;
} catch(ex){
throw Error(`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | ${unparsableIsoStringMessage} "${isoString}"`);
saneDate.move('minutes', timezoneOffset);
return saneDate.getVanillaDate();
* Tries to change a part of the date and makes sure, that this change does not trigger automagic and only
* leads to exactly the change, we wanted to do and nothing else.
* @param {String} part - the date part to change, one of: year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds
* @param {Number} value - the new value to set
* @returns {SaneDate} the SaneDate instance
* @private
#tryDatePartChange(part, value){
const __methodName__ = '#tryDatePartChange';
newDate = this.clone().getVanillaDate(),
settersAndGetters = this.#utc
allDatePartGetters = Object.values(settersAndGetters).map(methods => methods.getter)
let sideEffect = false;
for( const datePartGetter of allDatePartGetters ){
if( datePartGetter !== settersAndGetters[part].getter){
sideEffect ||= this.#date[datePartGetter]() !== newDate[datePartGetter]();
if( sideEffect ){
(newDate[settersAndGetters[part].getter]() === value) && !sideEffect,
`${MODULE_NAME}:${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | date part change "${part} = ${value}" is invalid or has side effects`
this.#date = newDate;
return this;
export {SaneDate};