* Module Forms
* @namespace Forms
const MODULE_NAME = 'Forms';
//###[ IMPORTS ]########################################################################################################
import {isFunction, isPlainObject, hasValue} from './basic.js';
//###[ EXPORTS ]########################################################################################################
* @namespace Forms:formDataToObject
* Constructs a plain object from an existing FormData object or a given form element.
* The idea of this function is, to make working with form data easier in programmatic contexts by allowing operations
* like optional chaining and "in" operators. This might especially come in handy if you need to do programmatic
* validations.
* Additionally, this function streamlines field names, by discarding PHP-style array field name conventions like
* "files[]", by removing the brackets. So, if you have a field named "files[]" and another field named "files",
* both will just end up in one "files"-field, having an array as a value containing all combined values.
* Keep in mind, that the status of form fields in a form matters when retrieving FormData from a form element.
* Disabled fields will not be included for example. Make sure to handle this before using the data.
* On Internet Explorers, this function needs a polyfill, which is not included in annex, due to its size and
* complexity, since IEs, while supporting FormData basically, are lacking all functions to access values of an existing
* FormData object, thereby making it impossible to iterate its values.
* @param {FormData|HTMLFormElement} formDataOrForm - either an existing FormData object or a form, from which we can retrieve formdata
* @returns {Object} plain object, containing all form values based on the exisiting fields as key/value-pairs
* @memberof Forms:formDataToObject
* @alias formDataToObject
* @see objectToFormData
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData/FormData
* @see https://github.com/jimmywarting/FormData
* @example
* const formData = new FormData();
* formData.append('secrethash', 123456789);
* formData.append('firstname', 'Paul');
* formData.append('lastname', 'Atreides');
* formData.append('houses', 'Atreides');
* formData.append('houses', 'Fremen');
* formData.append('houses', 'Corrino');
* formData.append('diary', new File(['Dear Diary, ...'], 'diary.txt', {type : 'text/plain', lastModified : new Date()}));
* formData.append('instagramPage', new Blob(['<html>...</html>'], {type : 'text/html'}));
* formDataToObject(formData)
* =>
* {
* secrethash : '123456789',
* firstname : 'Paul',
* lastname : 'Atreides',
* houses : ['Atreides', 'Fremen', 'Corrino'],
* diary : File,
* instagramPage : Blob
* }
export function formDataToObject(formDataOrForm){
let formData;
// let's do duck-typing to allow polyfills
&& isFunction(formDataOrForm.getAll)
&& isFunction(formDataOrForm.entries)
formData = formDataOrForm;
} else {
try {
formData = new FormData(formDataOrForm);
} catch(ex){
formData = null;
if( !hasValue(formData) ) return null;
const formDataObject = {};
Array.from(formData.entries()).forEach(([key, values]) => {
if( key.endsWith('[]') ){
key = key.slice(0, -2);
values = [].concat(values);
if( !hasValue(formDataObject[key]) ){
formDataObject[key] = (values.length === 1) ? values[0] : values;
} else {
formDataObject[key] = [].concat(formDataObject[key], values);
return formDataObject;
* @namespace Forms:objectToFormData
* Constructs a FormData object, to be used in requests, from a given (plain) object, iterating its entries.
* Additionally, this function streamlines field names, by discarding PHP-style array field name conventions like
* "files[]", by removing the brackets. So, if you have a field named "files[]" and another field named "files",
* both will just end up in one "files"-field.
* Files and Blobs can be provided as-is (constructed programmatically of retrieved from file inputs via `.files`).
* Alternatively (and if you manually want to define the filename), you can provide plain objects to describe a File or
* Blob to add to the FormData:
* - use {file : File, ?name : String} to add "file" as a File and optionally set "name" to define a filename, taking
* precedence over what is already defined in the File object itself
* - use {blob : Blob|String, ?name : String, ?mimeType : String} to add "blob" as a Blob (if this is a string, it
* will be treated as the content of a new Blob), optionally using "name" as the filename (I'd recommend to set this)
* and optionally setting the file type via the MIME type defined in "mimeType".
* In contrast to `formDataToObject`, this function does not need a polyfill in Internet Explorer, since it only uses
* the FormData constructor and the `.append()` method, which are both supported.
* @param {Object} formDataObject - object to iterate, to create FormData based on its entries
* @returns {FormData} FormData object to be used in a request
* @memberof Forms:objectToFormData
* @alias objectToFormData
* @see formDataToObject
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData/FormData
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types
* @example
* const formData = objectToFormData({
* secrethash : 123456789,
* firstname : 'Paul',
* lastname : 'Atreides',
* houses : ['Atreides', 'Fremen', 'Corrino'],
* diary : {file : new File(['Dear Diary, ...'], 'diary.txt', {type : 'text/plain', lastModified : new Date()})},
* instagramPage : {blob : '<html>...</html>', name : 'instagram.html', mimeType : 'text/html'},
* }).getAll('houses');
* => ['Atreides', 'Fremen', 'Corrino']
export function objectToFormData(formDataObject){
const formData = new FormData();
Object.entries(formDataObject).forEach(([fieldName, fieldValue]) => {
if( fieldName.endsWith('[]') ){
fieldName = fieldName.slice(0, -2);
[].concat(fieldValue).forEach(fieldValue => {
if( isPlainObject(fieldValue) ){
if( hasValue(fieldValue.file) && (fieldValue.file instanceof File) ){
hasValue(fieldValue.name) ? `${fieldValue.name}` : undefined
} else if( hasValue(fieldValue.blob) ){
const blob = (fieldValue.blob instanceof Blob)
? fieldValue.blob
: new Blob(
hasValue(fieldValue.mimeType) ? {type : `${fieldValue.mimeType}`} : undefined
hasValue(fieldValue.name) ? `${fieldValue.name}` : undefined
} else {
formData.append(fieldName, `${fieldValue}`);
} else {
formData.append(fieldName, fieldValue);
return formData;