* Module Functions
* @namespace Functions
const MODULE_NAME = 'Functions';
//###[ IMPORTS ]########################################################################################################
import {orDefault, isFunction, isPlainObject, assert, hasValue} from './basic.js';
import {schedule, reschedule} from './timers.js';
//###[ EXPORTS ]########################################################################################################
* @namespace Functions:throttle
* Returns a throttled function (based on an unthrottled one), which executes only once in a timeframe at most.
* This is especially helpful to react to events, that might come in avalanches in an orderly and performant way,
* let's say changing layout due to a resizing or scrolling event.
* If you are trying to react to events, that occur a lot, in a synchronous fashion, meaning, that you rely on values
* and data having been updated after the event, so there is a clear time arrow of things happening in order, you might
* need to set hasLeadingExecution and/or hasTrailingExecution to true to better cover those cases.
* Be aware that the precision of this method relies in part on the client's cpu, so this is implementation might
* not be right if you need a razor sharp exact amount of calls in a given time every time, this is a more simple
* and fuzzy implementation for basic purposes, which should cover 90% of your needs.
* For a more precise and battle-tested version, see lodash's complex implementation:
* https://www.npmjs.com/package/lodash.throttle
* @param {Number} ms - the timeframe for one execution at most in milliseconds
* @param {Function} func - the function to throttle
* @param {?Boolean} [hasLeadingExecution=false] - defines that the function call that starts a timeframe, does not count, so that during the following frame another call is possible
* @param {?Boolean} [hasTrailingExecution=false] - defines if the function is executed at the end of the timeframe (will only happen, if there were more than one calls to the function in the time frame)
* @throws error if ms is no number > 0 or func is not a function
* @returns {Function} the throttling function (parameters will be handed as is to the throttled function)
* @memberof Functions:throttle
* @alias throttle
* @example
* window.addEventListener('resize', throttle(400, function(){ console.log(`the viewport is now ${window.innerWidth}px wide`); }));
export function throttle(ms, func, hasLeadingExecution=false, hasTrailingExecution=false){
ms = orDefault(ms, 0, 'int');
hasLeadingExecution = orDefault(hasLeadingExecution, false, 'bool');
hasTrailingExecution = orDefault(hasTrailingExecution, false, 'bool');
assert(ms > 0, `${MODULE_NAME}:throttle | ms must be > 0`);
assert(isFunction(func), `${MODULE_NAME}:throttle | no function given`);
frameHasStarted = false,
callsInFrame = 0
return function(){
const args = Array.from(arguments);
if( !frameHasStarted ){
frameHasStarted = true;
if( !hasLeadingExecution ){
func.apply(this, args);
schedule(ms, () => {
if( hasTrailingExecution && (callsInFrame > 1) ){
func.apply(this, args);
frameHasStarted = false;
callsInFrame = 0;
} else if( callsInFrame === 0 ){
func.apply(this, args);
} else {
* @namespace Functions:debounce
* Hold the execution of a function until it has not been called for a specific timeframe.
* This is a basic implementation for 90% of all cases, if you need more options and more control
* over details, have a look at lodash's implementation:
* https://www.npmjs.com/package/lodash.debounce
* @param {Number} ms - timeframe in milliseconds without call before execution
* @param {Function} func - the function to delay the execution of
* @throws error if ms is no number > 0 or func is not a function
* @returns {Function} the debounced function (parameters will be handed as is to the provided function)
* @memberof Functions:debounce
* @alias debounce
* @example
* document.querySelector('input[name=search]').addEventListener('change', debounce(1000, function(){ refreshSearch(); }));
export function debounce(ms, func){
ms = orDefault(ms, 0, 'int');
assert(ms > 0, `${MODULE_NAME}:debounce | ms must be > 0`);
assert(isFunction(func), `${MODULE_NAME}:debounce | no function given`);
let debounceTimer;
return function(){
debounceTimer = reschedule(debounceTimer, ms, () => { func.apply(this, Array.from(arguments)); });
* @namespace Functions:defer
* Defer the execution of a function until the callstack is empty.
* This works identical to setTimeout(function(){}, 1);
* @param {Function} func - the function to defer
* @param {?Number} [delay=1] - the delay to apply in milliseconds, 1 is a non-minifiable value to target the next tick, but you may define any millisecond value you want, to manually delay the function execution
* @throws error if func is not a function or delay is no number > 0
* @returns {Function} the deferred function; the deferred function returns the timer id, in case you want to cancel execution
* @memberof Functions:defer
* @alias defer
* @example
* defer(function(){ doOnNextTick(); })();
* defer(function(){ doInTwoSeconds(); }, 2000)();
export function defer(func, delay=1){
delay = orDefault(delay, 1, 'int');
assert(isFunction(func), `${MODULE_NAME}:defer | no function given`);
assert(delay > 0, `${MODULE_NAME}:defer | delay must be > 0`);
return function(){
return schedule(delay, () => { func.apply(this, Array.from(arguments)); }).id;
* @namespace Functions:kwargs
* This function creates a function where we can set all parameters as a config object by name for each
* call, while also allowing to set default values for parameters on function creation.
* This is heavily inspired by Python's way of handling parameters, therefore the name.
* This enables you to overload complex function signatures with tailor-fit version for your use cases and
* to call functions with specific parameter sets in a very readable way, without adding empty values to the
* list of parameters. So you just define what you want to set and those parts are clearly named.
* Each parameter you pass to the created kwargs function may be one of two variants:
* - either it is not a plain object; in that case the parameter is passed to the original function as is at the
* position the parameter is declared in the call
* - or the parameter is a plain object, in which case we treat the parameter as kwargs and try to match keys
* to parameters; in case you ever have to pass a plain object as-is: setting "kwargs: false" in the object
* tells the parser to skip matching props to parameters
* You can even mix these types. If two parameters describe the same value in the call, the last declaration wins.
* @param {Function} func - the function to provide kwargs to
* @param {?Object} [defaults=null] - the default kwargs to apply to func, essentially setting default values for all given keys fitting parameters of the function
* @throws error if func is not a function or parameter names of func could not be identified
* @returns {Function} new function accepting mixed args, also being possible kwarg dicts
* @memberof Functions:kwargs
* @alias kwargs
* @example
* const fTest = function(tick, trick, track){ console.log(tick, trick, track); };
* const fKwargsTest = kwargs(fTest, {track : 'defaultTrack'});
* fKwargsTest({tick : 'tiick', trick : 'trick'});
* => "tiick, trick, defaultTrack"
* kwargs(fTest, {track : 'defaultTrack'})('argumentTick', {trick : 'triick', track : 'trACK'});
* => "argumentTick, triick, trACK"
* kwargs(fTest, {track : 'defaultTrack'})('argumentTick', {trick : 'triick', track : 'track'}, 'trackkkk');
* => "argumentTick, triick, trackkkk"
export function kwargs(func, defaults=null){
defaults = isPlainObject(defaults) ? defaults : {};
assert(isFunction(func), `${MODULE_NAME}:kwargs | no function given`);
argNamesString = func.toString().match(/\(([^)]+)/)[1],
argNames = argNamesString ? argNamesString.split(',').map(argName => `${argName}`.trim()) : []
assert(argNames.length > 0, `${MODULE_NAME}:kwargs | could not identify parameter names in "${func.toString()}" using parameter string "${argNamesString}"`);
return function(){
const applicableArgs = [];
Array.from(arguments).forEach((arg, argIndex) => {
// if object contains falsy property "kwargs" leave it as is
&& (!hasValue(arg.kwargs) || !!arg.kwargs)
argNames.forEach((argName, argNameIndex) => {
if( hasValue(arg[argName]) ){
applicableArgs[argNameIndex] = arg[argName];
} else {
applicableArgs[argIndex] = arg;
argNames.forEach((argName, argNameIndex) => {
&& hasValue(defaults[argName])
applicableArgs[argNameIndex] = defaults[argName];
return func.apply(this, applicableArgs);