* Module Navigation
* @namespace Navigation
const MODULE_NAME = 'Navigation';
//###[ IMPORTS ]########################################################################################################
import {warn} from './logging.js';
import {hasValue, orDefault, isPlainObject, isArray, isWindow, isFunction, assert} from './basic.js';
import {createNode} from './elements.js';
import {browserSupportsHistoryManipulation} from './context.js';
import {urlHref} from './urls.js';
//###[ DATA ]###########################################################################################################
export const HISTORY = {
current : {
state : null,
title : '',
popState : {
listening : false,
callbacks : [],
const historyNew = {
state : e.state,
title : e.title,
HISTORY.popState.callbacks.forEach(cb => {
cb.stateful(e, historyNew);
HISTORY.current = historyNew;
//###[ HELPERS ]########################################################################################################
function getHostAndPathname(){
const hostAndPathname = {
host : undefined,
pathname : undefined
try {
hostAndPathname.host = window.location.host;
hostAndPathname.pathname = window.location.pathname;
} catch(ex){
hostAndPathname.host = undefined;
hostAndPathname.pathname = undefined;
return hostAndPathname;
//###[ EXPORTS ]########################################################################################################
* @namespace Navigation:redirect
* Everything you need to do basic navigation without history API.
* Provide a URL to navigate to or leave the URL out, to use the current full URL. See `urlHref` for details.
* Add GET-parameters (adding to those already present in the URL), define an anchor (or automatically get the one
* defined in the URL), set a target to define a window to navigate to (or open a new one) and even
* define POST-parameters to navigate while providing POST-data.
* Provided params have to be a flat plain object, with ordinal values or arrays of ordinal values on the first level.
* Everything else will be stringified and url-encoded as is. Usually, parameters defined here add to present
* parameters in the URL. To force-override present values, declare the param name with a "!" prefix
* (`{'!presentparam' : 'new'}`).
* If you define POST-params to navigate to a URL providing POST-data we internally build a custom form element,
* with type "post", filled with hidden fields adding the form data, which we submit to navigate to the action, which
* contains our url. Even the target carries over.
* If you define a target window and therefore open a new tab/window this function adds "noopener,noreferrer"
* automatically if the origins do not match to increase security. If you need the opener, have a look at
* "openWindow", which gives you more manual control in that regard.
* If you define a target and open an external URL, repeated calls to the same target will open multiple windows
* due to the security settings.
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - the location to load, if null current location is reloaded/used
* @param {?Object} [params=null] - plain object of GET-parameters to add to the url
* @param {?String} [anchor=null] - anchor/hash to set for called url, has precedence over URL hash
* @param {?String} [target=null] - name of the window to perform the redirect to/in, use "_blank" to open a new window/tab
* @param {?Object} [postParams=null] - plain object of postParameters to send with the redirect, solved with a hidden form
* @param {?Boolean} [markListParams=false] - if true, params with more than one value will be marked with "[]" preceding the param name
* @throws error if url is not usable
* @memberof Navigation:redirect
* @alias redirect
* @see Urls.urlHref
* @example
* redirect('https://test.com', {search : 'kittens', order : 'asc'}, 'fluffykittens');
* redirect(null, {order : 'desc'});
export function redirect(url=null, params=null, anchor=null, target=null, postParams=null, markListParams=false){
url = urlHref(url, params, anchor, markListParams);
target = orDefault(target, null, 'str');
postParams = isPlainObject(postParams) ? postParams : null;
if( hasValue(postParams) ){
const formAttributes = {method : 'post', action : url, 'data-ajax' : 'false'};
if( hasValue(target) ){
formAttributes.target = target;
const redirectForm = createNode('form', formAttributes);
for( let paramName in postParams ){
if( isArray(postParams[paramName]) ){
postParams[paramName].forEach(val => {
{type : 'hidden', name : `${paramName}[]`, value : `${val}`}
} else {
{type : 'hidden', name : paramName, value : `${postParams[paramName]}`}
} else if( hasValue(target) ){
const parsedUrl = new URL(url);
if( parsedUrl.origin !== window.location.origin ){
// we have to jump through hoops here, since adding security features to window.open
// forces popup windows in some browsers and although we can set opener via the created
// window, we cannot reliably set the referrer that way
const eLink = document.createElement('a');
eLink.href = url;
eLink.target = target;
eLink.rel = 'noopener noreferrer';
} else {
window.open(url, target);
} else {
* @namespace Navigation:openTab
* Opens a sub-window for the current window as _blank, which should result in a new tab in most browsers.
* This method is just a shortcut for "redirect" with a set target and reasonable parameters.
* By using "redirect", this method also automatically takes care of adding "noopener,noreferrer" to external
* links, which are determined by not having the same origin as the current location. For more manual control
* over such parameters, have a look at "openWindow" instead.
* @param {?String} [url] - the location to load, if null current location is reloaded/used
* @param {?Object} [params=null] - plain object of GET-parameters to add to the url, adds to existing ones in the URL and overwrites existing ones with same name
* @param {?String} [anchor=null] - anchor/hash to set for called url, has precedence over URL hash
* @param {?Object} [postParams=null] - plain object of postParameters to send with the redirect, solved with a hidden form
* @memberof Navigation:openTab
* @alias openTab
* @see redirect
* @example
* openTab('/misc/faq.html');
export function openTab(url, params=null, anchor=null, postParams=null){
redirect(url, params, anchor, '_blank', postParams);
* @namespace Navigation:openWindow
* Opens a sub-window for the current window or another defined parent window.
* Be aware that most browsers open new windows as a tab by default, have a look at the "tryAsPopup"-parameter
* if you need to open a new standalone window and your configuration results in new tabs instead.
* For window options (in this implementation, we consider "name" to be an option as well), see:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open#window_features
* Keep in mind to set "noopener" and/or "noreferrer" for external URLs in options, to improve security and privacy.
* Hint for older MS browsers: if you set these security options, these will most likely open the URL in a popup
* window. If you want to circumvent this, you'll have to drop the "noreferrer" and settle for "noopener", by
* setting opener to null on the returned window like this: `openWindow('url').opener = null;`
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - the URL to load in the new window, if nullish, the current URL is used
* @param {?Object} [options=null] - parameters for the new window according to the definitions of window.open & "name" for the window name
* @param {?Window} [parentWindow=null] - parent window for the new window, current if not defined
* @param {?Boolean} [tryAsPopup=false] - defines if it should be tried to force a real new window instead of a tab
* @throws error if url is not usable
* @returns {Window} the newly opened window/tab
* @memberof Navigation:openWindow
* @alias openWindow
* @see Urls.urlHref
* @example
* openWindow('/img/gallery.html');
* openWindow('http://www.kittens.com', {name : 'kitten_popup'}, parent);
export function openWindow(url=null, options=null, parentWindow=null, tryAsPopup=false){
url = urlHref(url);
options = isPlainObject(options) ? options : null;
parentWindow = isWindow(parentWindow) ? parentWindow : window;
tryAsPopup = orDefault(tryAsPopup, false, 'bool');
let windowName = '';
const optionArray = [];
if( hasValue(options) ){
for( let prop in options ){
if( prop === 'name' ){
windowName = options[prop];
if( (prop !== 'name') || tryAsPopup ){
if( [true, 1, 'yes'].includes(options[prop]) ){
} else {
return parentWindow.open(url, windowName, optionArray.join(','));
* @namespace Navigation:reload
* Reloads the current window-location. Differentiates between cached and cache-refreshing reload.
* Hint: the forcedReload param in window.location.reload is deprecated and not supported anymore in all browsers,
* so, in order to do a cache busting reload we have to use a trick, by using a POST-reload, since POST never
* gets cached. If, for some reason, you cannot POST to a URL, I also provided a second, less effective fallback,
* using "replace".
* Hint: depending on your browser a cached reload may keep the current scrolling position in the document, while
* the uncached variants won't
* @param {?Boolean} [cached=true] - should we use the cache on reload?
* @param {?Boolean} [postUsable=true] - if set to false, we try to replace URL instead of POSTing to it
* @memberof Navigation:reload
* @alias reload
* @example
* // with cache
* reload();
* // without cache via POST
* reload(false);
* // without cache via "replace"
* reload(false, false);
export function reload(cached=true, postUsable=true){
cached = orDefault(cached, true, 'bool');
postUsable = orDefault(postUsable, true, 'bool');
if( !cached && postUsable ){
const form = document.createElement('form');
form.method = 'post';
form.action = window.location.href;
} else if( !cached && !postUsable ){
} else {
* @namespace Navigation:changeCurrentUrl
* Changes the current URL by using the history API (this means, we can only change to a path on the same origin).
* Be aware that this replaces the current URL in the history _without_ any normal navigation or reload.
* This method only works if the history API is supported by the browser, otherwise no navigation will occur
* (but a warning will be shown in console).
* For more details on the history API see:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - a url to change the current address to on the same origin, will use current URL if nullish
* @param {?Boolean} [usePushState=false] - push new state instead of replacing current
* @param {?*} [state=null] - a serializable object to append to the history state (gets retrieved on popState-event)
* @param {?String} [title=null] - a name/title for the new state (as of yet, only Safari uses this, other browser will return undefined)
* @throws error if state is not serializable by browser
* @memberof Navigation:changeCurrentUrl
* @alias changeCurrentUrl
* @see onHistoryChange
* @see Urls.urlHref
* @example
* changeCurrentUrl('/article/important-stuff', false, {id : 666});
export function changeCurrentUrl(url=null, usePushState=false, state=null, title=null){
url = urlHref(url);
usePushState = orDefault(usePushState, false, 'bool');
title = orDefault(title, '', 'str');
if ( browserSupportsHistoryManipulation() ) {
if( usePushState ){
window.history.pushState(state, title, url);
} else {
window.history.replaceState(state, title, url);
HISTORY.current = {
host : window.location.host,
path : window.location.pathname
} else {
warn(`${MODULE_NAME}:changeCurrentUrl | this browser does not support history api, skipping`);
* @namespace Navigation:onHistoryChange
* Registers an onpopstate event if history API is available (does nothing and warns if not available).
* Takes a callback, which is provided with states as plain objects like: {state, title, host, path}.
* Hint: do not rely on title, since that property may only be supported by browsers like Safari,
* serialize everything important into state and use title as orientation only.
* In case of a regular binding all callbacks get the current state, so the state that is being changed to, but
* if you set "usePreviousState" to true and prior navigation was done with "changeCurrentUrl", all callbacks
* get two states: "from" and "to". With this you can define rules an behaviour depending on the state you are
* coming from. Keep in mind: this only works if you use "changeCurrentUrl" for navigation in tandem with this method.
* @param {Function} callback - function to execute on popstate
* @param {?Boolean} [clearOld=false] - defines if old handlers should be removed before setting new one
* @param {?Boolean} [usePreviousState=false] - defines if callbacks should be provided with previous state as well (in that case, changeCurrentUrl must have been used for prior navigation)
* @throws error if callback is no function
* @memberof Navigation:onHistoryChange
* @alias onHistoryChange
* @see changeCurrentUrl
* @see offHistoryChange
* @example
* onHistoryChange(function(){ alert('Hey, don\'t do this!'); }, true);
export function onHistoryChange(callback, clearOld=false, usePreviousState=false){
const __methodName__ = 'onHistoryChange';
clearOld = orDefault(clearOld, false, 'bool');
usePreviousState = orDefault(usePreviousState, false, 'bool');
assert(isFunction(callback), `${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | callback is no function`);
if ( browserSupportsHistoryManipulation() ) {
if( clearOld ){
HISTORY.popState.callbacks = [];
const statefulCallback = function(e, historyNew){
if( usePreviousState ){
callback(HISTORY.current, historyNew);
} else {
original : callback,
stateful : statefulCallback
if( !HISTORY.popState.listening ){
HISTORY.popState.listening = true;
window.addEventListener('popstate', HISTORY.popState.handler);
} else {
warn(`${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | this browser does not support history api, skipping`);
* @namespace Navigation:offHistoryChange
* Removes registered history change handlers, that have been created with "onHistoryChange".
* If a callback is provided, that callback is removed from callbacks, if the function is called
* without parameters all callbacks are removed and the event listener for the callbacks is removed.
* @param {?Function} [callback=true] - reference to the callback to be removed, if missing all callbacks are removed
* @throws error if callback is no function
* @return {Boolean} true if callback(s) are/were removed, false if nothing was done
* @memberof Navigation:offHistoryChange
* @alias offHistoryChange
* @see changeCurrentUrl
* @see onHistoryChange
* @example
* offHistoryChange(thatOneCallback);
* offHistoryChange();
export function offHistoryChange(callback=null){
const __methodName__ = 'offHistoryChange';
if( hasValue(callback) ){
assert(isFunction(callback), `${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | callback is not a function`);
const oldCallbackCount = HISTORY.popState.callbacks.length;
HISTORY.popState.callbacks = HISTORY.popState.callbacks.reduce((cbs, cb) => {
if( cb.original !== callback ){
return cbs;
}, []);
const newCallbackCount = HISTORY.popState.callbacks.length;
if( newCallbackCount === 0 ){
window.removeEventListener('popstate', HISTORY.popState.handler);
HISTORY.popState.listening = false;
return oldCallbackCount > newCallbackCount;
} else {
HISTORY.popState.callbacks = [];
window.removeEventListener('popstate', HISTORY.popState.handler);
HISTORY.popState.listening = false;
return true;