* Module Strings
* @namespace Strings
const MODULE_NAME = 'Strings';
//###[ IMPORTS ]########################################################################################################
import {isFunction, isArray, orDefault, isNaN, hasValue, isPlainObject, round} from './basic.js';
//###[ DATA ]###########################################################################################################
//###[ EXPORTS ]########################################################################################################
* @namespace Strings:replace
* Offers similar functionality to PHP's str_replace or ES2021's replaceAll and avoids RegExps for this task.
* Replaces occurrences of search in subject with replace. search and replace may be arrays.
* If search is an array and replace is a string, all phrases in the array will be replaced with one string.
* If replace is an array itself, phrases and replacements are matched by index.
* Missing replacements are treated as an empty string (for example: if your array lengths do not match).
* Uses String.prototype.replaceAll internally, if available.
* @param {String} subject - the string to replace in
* @param {(String|String[])} search - the string(s) to replace
* @param {String|String[]} replace - the string(s) to replace the search string(s)
* @returns {String} the modified string
* @memberof Strings:replace
* @alias replace
* @example
* const sanitizedString = replace([':', '#', '-'], '_', exampleString);
export function replace(subject, search, replace){
subject = `${subject}`;
search = [].concat(search);
replace = [].concat(replace);
let tmp = '';
search.forEach((searchTerm, index) => {
tmp = (replace.length > 1) ? ((replace[index] !== undefined) ? replace[index] : '') : replace[0];
if( isFunction(String.prototype.replaceAll) ){
subject = subject.replaceAll(`${searchTerm}`, `${tmp}`);
} else {
subject = subject.split(`${searchTerm}`).join(`${tmp}`);
return subject;
* @namespace Strings:truncate
* Truncates a given string after a certain number of characters to enforce length restrictions.
* @param {String} subject - the string to check and truncate
* @param {?Number} [maxLength=30] - the maximum allowed character length for the string
* @param {?String} [suffix='...'] - the trailing string to end a truncated string with
* @throws error if suffix length is bigger than defined maxLength
* @returns {String} the (truncated) subject
* @memberof Strings:truncate
* @alias truncate
* @example
* const truncatedString = truncate(string, 10, '...');
export function truncate(subject, maxLength=30, suffix='...'){
subject = `${subject}`;
maxLength = orDefault(maxLength, 30, 'int');
suffix = orDefault(suffix, '...', 'str');
if( suffix.length > maxLength ){
throw new Error(`${MODULE_NAME}:truncate | suffix cannot be longer than maxLength`);
if( subject.length > maxLength ){
subject = `${subject.slice(0, maxLength - suffix.length)}${suffix}`;
return subject;
* @namespace Strings:pad
* Adds characters to strings, which are not yet of a defined expected length.
* A usual use-case for this would be, to add zeroes to a number, to fit a format like ISO dates.
* @param {String} subject - the string to pad
* @param {String} paddingCharacter - the character to use for padding, only first character is used
* @param {Number} expectedLength - the number of characters, the result has to have at least
* @param {String} [from='left'] - the number of characters, the result has to have at least
* @returns {String} the padded value, will always be cast to a string
* @memberof Strings:pad
* @alias pad
* @example
* pad(1, '0', 4, 'right')
* => '1000'
export function pad(subject, paddingCharacter, expectedLength, from='left'){
subject = `${subject}`;
paddingCharacter = `${paddingCharacter}`[0];
expectedLength = orDefault(expectedLength, 2, 'int');
from = ['left', 'right'].includes(`${from}`) ? `${from}` : 'left';
const difference = expectedLength - subject.length;
if( difference > 0 ){
for( let i = 0; i < difference; i++ ){
subject = (from === 'right') ? `${subject}${paddingCharacter}` : `${paddingCharacter}${subject}`;
return subject;
* @namespace Strings:trim
* Removes whitespace or characters from the beginning and the end (or just one side) of a string.
* This is usually used to sanitize values and remove leading or trailing whitespace in user input.
* @param {String} subject - the string to trim
* @param {?String|Array<String>} [characters=null] - defines which character(s) to trim; will trim whitespace if nullish (or '\\s'); if you want to trim whitespace and something else, define an array including a nullish value (or '\\s') as well as the other characters; this parameter uses regex definitions
* @param {?String} [from='both'] - the side(s) from which to trim, either "both", "left" or "right"
* @returns {String} the trimmed subject
* @memberof Strings:trim
* @alias trim
* @example
* trim(' foo ')
* => 'foo'
* trim(' foo ', null, 'right')
* => ' foo'
* trim('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', ['[a-f]', '[u-z]', 'l'], 'both')
* => 'ghijklmnopqrst'
export function trim(subject, characters=null, from='both'){
subject = `${subject}`;
characters = [].concat(characters).map(char => !!char ? `${char}` : '\\s');
from = ['both', 'left', 'right'].includes(`${from}`) ? `${from}` : 'both';
if( ['both', 'left'].includes(from) ){
subject = subject.replace(new RegExp(`^(${characters.join('|')})+`, 'g'), '');
if( ['both', 'right'].includes(from) ){
subject = subject.replace(new RegExp(`(${characters.join('|')})+$`, 'g'), '');
return subject;
* @namespace Strings:concat
* Simply concatenates strings with a glue part using array.join in a handy notation.
* You can also provide arguments to glue as a prepared array as the second parameter,
* in that case other parameters will be ignored.
* @param {?String} [glue=''] - the separator to use between single strings
* @param {?String[]} strings - list of strings to concatenate, either comma-separated or as single array
* @returns {String} the concatenated string
* @memberof Strings:concat
* @alias concat
* @example
* const finalCountdown = concat(' ... ', 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, '5', '4', '3', '2', '1', 'ZERO!');
* const finalCountdown = concat(' ... ', [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, '5', '4', '3', '2', '1', 'ZERO!']);
export function concat(glue='', ...strings){
glue = orDefault(glue, '', 'str');
if( (strings.length > 0) && isArray(strings[0]) ){
return strings[0].join(glue);
} else {
return strings.join(glue);
* @namespace Strings:format
* This is a pythonesque string format implementation.
* Apply formatted values to a string template, in which replacements are marked with curly braces.
* Display literal curly brace with {{ and }}.
* Unknown keys/indexes will be ignored.
* This solution is adapted from:
* https://github.com/davidchambers/string-format
* @param {String} template -
* @param {(String[]|Object)} replacements - arguments to insert into template, either as a dictionary, an array or a parameter sequence
* @throws general exception on syntax errors
* @returns {String} the formatted string
* @memberof Strings:format
* @alias format
* @example
* format('An elephant is {times:float(0.00)} times smarter than a {animal}', {times : 5.5555, animal : 'lion'})
* => 'An elephant is 5.56 times smarter than a lion'
* format('{0}{0}{0} ... {{BATMAN!}}', 'Nana')
* => 'NanaNanaNana ... {BATMAN!}'
* format('{} {} {} starts the alphabet.', 'A', 'B', 'C')
* => 'A B C starts the alphabet.'
* format('{0:int}, {1:int}, {2:int}: details are for wankers', '1a', 2.222, 3)
* => '1, 2, 3: details are for wankers'
export function format(template, ...replacements){
template = `${template}`;
idx = 0,
explicit = false,
implicit = false
const fResolve = function(object, key){
const value = object[key];
if( isFunction(value) ){
return value.call(object);
} else {
return value;
const fLookup = function(object, key){
if( !/^(\d+)([.]|$)/.test(key) ){
key = `0.${key}`;
let match = /(.+?)[.](.+)/.exec(key);
while( match ){
object = fResolve(object, match[1]);
key = match[2];
match = /(.+?)[.](.+)/.exec(key);
return fResolve(object, key);
const formatters = {
int(value, radix){
radix = orDefault(radix, 10, 'int');
const res = parseInt(value, radix);
return !isNaN(res) ? `${res}` : '';
float(value, format){
format = orDefault(format, null, 'str');
let res = null;
if( hasValue(format) ){
let precision = 0;
try {
precision = format.split('.')[1].length;
} catch(ex) {
throw new Error(`${MODULE_NAME}:format | float precision arg malformed`);
res = round(value, precision)
} else {
res = parseFloat(value);
return !isNaN(res) ? `${res}` : '';
return template.replace(/([{}])\1|[{](.*?)(?:!(.+?))?[}]/g, function(match, literal, key){
ref = null,
value = '',
formatter = function(value){ return value; },
formatterArg = null
if( literal ){
return literal;
if( key.length ){
const keyParts = key.split(':');
if( keyParts.length > 1 ){
key = keyParts[0];
formatterParts = keyParts[1].split('('),
formatterName = formatterParts[0]
if( formatterParts.length > 1 ){
formatterArg = formatterParts[1].replace(')', '');
try {
formatter = formatters[formatterName];
} catch(ex) {
throw new Error(`${MODULE_NAME}:format | unknown formatter`);
if( implicit ){
throw new Error(`${MODULE_NAME}:format | cannot switch from implicit to explicit numbering`);
} else {
explicit = true;
ref = fLookup(replacements, key);
value = orDefault(ref, '');
} else {
if( explicit ){
throw new Error (`${MODULE_NAME}:format | cannot switch from explicit to implicit numbering`);
} else {
implicit = true;
ref = replacements[idx];
value = orDefault(ref, '');
return formatter(value, formatterArg);
* @namespace Strings:slugify
* Slugifies a text for use in a URL or id/class/attribute.
* Transforms accented characters to non-accented ones.
* Throws out everything except basic A-Z characters and numbers after replacements have taken place.
* Provide own replacements, supplementing or overriding the default replacement map to cover special cases
* (will take precedence over the default map).
* @param {String} text - the text to slugify
* @param {?String} [additionalMap=null] - optional character map to supplement/override the default map, having the form {'[search character]' : '[replacement]', ...}
* @param {?Boolean} [toLowerCase=true] - set this to false, to keep character casing
* @returns {String} the slugified string
* @memberof Strings:slugify
* @alias slugify
* @example
* slugify('This is a cömplicated ßtring for URLs!')
* => 'this-is-a-coemplicated-sstring-for-urls'
export function slugify(text, additionalMap=null, toLowerCase=true){
if( !isPlainObject(additionalMap) ){
additionalMap = {};
toLowerCase = orDefault(toLowerCase, true, 'bool');
text = `${text}`;
if( toLowerCase ){
text = text.toLowerCase();
return text
/[^\-]/g, // replace accented chars with plain ones via map and/or apply additionalMap
char => additionalMap[char] ?? SLUGIFY_LATINMAP[char] ?? char
.replace(/\s+|_+/g, '-') // replace spaces and underscores with "-"
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // remove all non-word, non-dash chars
.replace(/--+/g, '-') // replace multiple "-" with single "-"
.replace(/^-+/, '') // trim "-" from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, '') // trim "-" from end of text
* @namespace Strings:maskForSelector
* Masks all selector-special-characters, to allow selecting elements with special characters in selector using
* querySelector and querySelectorAll (also works for jQuery and Cash).
* @param {String} str - the string to mask for use in a selector
* @returns {String} the masked string
* @memberof Strings:maskForSelector
* @alias maskForSelector
* @example
* document.querySelector(`#element_${maskForSelector(elementName)}`).classList.remove('test');
export function maskForSelector(str){
return `${str}`.replace(/([#;&,.+*~':"!^$\[\]()=>|\/@])/g, '\\$&');
* @namespace Strings:maskForRegEx
* Masks all regex special characters, to test or match a string using a regex, that contains
* characters used in regexes themselves.
* @param {String} str - the string to mask for use in a regexp
* @returns {String} the masked string
* @memberof Strings:maskForRegEx
* @alias maskForRegEx
* @example
* if( (new RegExp(`^${maskForRegEx(arbitraryString)}$')).test('abc') ){
* alert('are identical!');
* }
export function maskForRegEx(str){
return `${str}`.replace(/([\-\[\]\/{}()*+?.\\^$|])/g, "\\$&");
* @namespace Strings:maskForHtml
* Masks a string possibly containing reserved HTML chars for HTML output as is
* (so a < actually reads on the page).
* Only replaces critical chars like <>& with entities, but
* keeps non-critical unicode chars like »/.
* @param {String} text - the string to mask for use in HTML
* @returns {String} the masked string
* @memberof Strings:maskForHtml
* @alias maskForHtml
* @see unmaskFromHtml
* @example
* maskForHtml('</>&;üäöÜÄÖß– »')
* => '</>&;üäöÜÄÖß– »'
export function maskForHtml(text){
const escape = document.createElement('textarea');
escape.textContent = `${text}`;
return escape.innerHTML;
* @namespace Strings:unmaskFromHtml
* Replaces entities in a html-masked string with the vanilla characters
* thereby returning a real HTML string, which could, for example, be used
* to construct new elements with tag markup.
* @param {String} html - the string to unmask entities in
* @returns {String} the unmasked string
* @memberof Strings:unmaskFromHtml
* @alias unmaskFromHtml
* @see maskForHtml
* @example
* unmaskFromHtml('</>&;üäöÜÄÖß– »')
* => '</>&;üäöÜÄÖß– »'
export function unmaskFromHtml(html){
const escape = document.createElement('textarea');
escape.innerHTML = `${html}`;
return escape.textContent;