* Module Units
* @namespace Units
const MODULE_NAME = 'Units';
//###[ IMPORTS ]########################################################################################################
import {orDefault, assert, isNaN, isArray, round} from './basic.js';
//###[ DATA ]###########################################################################################################
export const
LOCAL_FLOAT_SEPARATOR = (0.1).toLocaleString().replace(/[0-9]/g, '').slice(0, 1),
LOCAL_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = (1000).toLocaleString().replace(/[0-9]/g, '').slice(0, 1)
//###[ EXPORTS ]########################################################################################################
* @namespace Units:asFileSize
* Renders a byte number as a human-readable file size with the correct unit.
* Switch calculation base by setting useBinaryBase to true.
* Today, file sizes are usually calculated against a decimal base of 1000, while in the
* past, a binary base of 1024 was commonly used (and still is today by some software such as Microsoft Windows).
* In 1998 the IEC standardized byte units to be metric in nature, which is the base assumption of this method.
* @param {Number} bytes - file size in bytes to render as string
* @param {?String} [separator=LOCAL_FLOAT_SEPARATOR] - the character to separate the fraction in float numbers, will default to the current browser's default for local strings
* @param {?Number} [precision=1] - the floating point precision to use for the size
* @param {?Boolean} [useBinaryBase=false] - set to true to activate binary calculation and units
* @returns {String} the formatted file size
* @memberof Units:asFileSize
* @alias asFileSize
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilobyte
* @example
* asFileSize(1_500_000, ',')
* => '1,5 MB'
* asFileSize(1024, '.', 0, true)
* => '1 KiB'
export function asFileSize(bytes, separator=LOCAL_FLOAT_SEPARATOR, precision=1, useBinaryBase=false){
const __methodName__ = 'asFileSize';
bytes = parseInt(bytes, 10);
!isNaN(bytes) && (bytes >= 0),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | bytes not usable or negative`
separator = orDefault(separator, LOCAL_FLOAT_SEPARATOR, 'str');
precision = orDefault(precision, 1, 'int');
thresh = !!useBinaryBase ? 1024 : 1000,
units = !!useBinaryBase
? ['KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB','YiB']
: ['kB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB']
if( bytes < thresh ){
return `${bytes} B`;
let unitIndex = -1;
do {
bytes /= thresh;
} while(
(bytes >= thresh)
&& (unitIndex < (units.length - 1))
bytes = `${round(bytes, precision)}`.replace('.', separator);
return `${bytes} ${units[unitIndex]}`;
* @namespace Units:asCurrency
* Renders a number as a currency value, using native Intl.NumberFormat functionality.
* @param {Number} number - the number to use as a currency amount
* @param {?String|Array<String>} [locale='en-US'] - locale to use, use array to define fallback; always falls back to en-US if nothing else works
* @param {?String} [currency='USD'] - a ISO4217 currency code, such as EUR for Euro
* @param {?String} [currencyDisplay='symbol'] - one of "symbol", "narrowSymbol", "code" or "name", defining, how the currency should be displayed in the result
* @returns {String} the formatted currency amount
* @memberof Units:asCurrency
* @alias asCurrency
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/NumberFormat
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#List_of_ISO_4217_currency_codes
* @example
* asCurrency(42.666)
* => '42.67 $'
* asCurrency(42.666, 'de-DE', 'EUR')
* => '42,67 €'
export function asCurrency(number, locale='en-US', currency='USD', currencyDisplay='symbol'){
number = parseFloat(number);
locale = orDefault(locale, 'en-US');
(!isArray(locale) && (locale !== 'en-US'))
|| (isArray(locale) && !locale.includes('en-US'))
locale = [].concat(locale).concat('en-US');
currency = orDefault(currency, 'USD', 'str');
currencyDisplay = orDefault(currencyDisplay, 'symbol', 'str');
return new Intl.NumberFormat(
style : 'currency',
* @namespace Units:asDecimal
* Renders a number as a decimal value, using native Intl.NumberFormat functionality.
* @param {Number} number - the number to use as a decimal amount
* @param {?String|Array<String>} [locale='en-US'] - locale to use, use array to define fallback; always falls back to en-US if nothing else works
* @param {?Number} [minPrecision=2] - the minimal precision to use in decimal display
* @param {?Number} [maxPrecision=null] - the minimal precision to use in decimal display; if nullish, will be set to minPrecision
* @returns {String} the formatted decimal amount
* @memberof Units:asDecimal
* @alias asDecimal
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/NumberFormat
* @example
* asDecimal(42.666)
* => '42.67'
* asDecimal(42.666, 'de-DE', 1)
* => '42,7'
export function asDecimal(number, locale='en-US', minPrecision=2, maxPrecision=null){
number = parseFloat(number);
locale = orDefault(locale, 'en-US');
(!isArray(locale) && (locale !== 'en-US'))
|| (isArray(locale) && !locale.includes('en-US'))
locale = [].concat(locale).concat('en-US');
minPrecision = orDefault(minPrecision, 2, 'int');
maxPrecision = orDefault(maxPrecision, minPrecision, 'int');
return new Intl.NumberFormat(
style : 'decimal',
useGrouping : false,
minimumFractionDigits : minPrecision,
maximumFractionDigits : maxPrecision