* Module Urls
* @namespace Urls
const MODULE_NAME = 'Urls';
//###[ IMPORTS ]########################################################################################################
import {
} from './basic.js';
import {log} from './logging.js';
import {replace} from './strings.js';
//###[ DATA ]###########################################################################################################
'aero', 'biz', 'cat', 'com', 'coop', 'edu', 'gov', 'info', 'int', 'jobs', 'mil', 'mobi', 'museum', 'name', 'net',
'org', 'travel', 'ac', 'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ag', 'ai', 'al', 'am', 'an', 'ao', 'aq', 'ar', 'as', 'at', 'au', 'aw',
'az', 'ba', 'bb', 'bd', 'be', 'bf', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bj', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'bt', 'bv', 'bw', 'by',
'bz', 'ca', 'cc', 'cd', 'cf', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci', 'ck', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn', 'co', 'cr', 'cs', 'cu', 'cv', 'cx', 'cy',
'cz', 'de', 'dj', 'dk', 'dm', 'do', 'dz', 'ec', 'ee', 'eg', 'eh', 'er', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fi', 'fj', 'fk', 'fm',
'fo', 'fr', 'ga', 'gb', 'gd', 'ge', 'gf', 'gg', 'gh', 'gi', 'gl', 'gm', 'gn', 'gp', 'gq', 'gr', 'gs', 'gt', 'gu',
'gw', 'gy', 'hk', 'hm', 'hn', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'id', 'ie', 'il', 'im', 'in', 'io', 'iq', 'ir', 'is', 'it', 'je',
'jm', 'jo', 'jp', 'ke', 'kg', 'kh', 'ki', 'km', 'kn', 'kp', 'kr', 'kw', 'ky', 'kz', 'la', 'lb', 'lc', 'li', 'lk',
'lr', 'ls', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'ly', 'ma', 'mc', 'md', 'mg', 'mh', 'mk', 'ml', 'mm', 'mn', 'mo', 'mp', 'mq', 'mr',
'ms', 'mt', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw', 'mx', 'my', 'mz', 'na', 'nc', 'ne', 'nf', 'ng', 'ni', 'nl', 'no', 'np', 'nr', 'nu',
'nz', 'om', 'pa', 'pe', 'pf', 'pg', 'ph', 'pk', 'pl', 'pm', 'pn', 'pr', 'ps', 'pt', 'pw', 'py', 'qa', 're', 'ro',
'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'sb', 'sc', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh', 'si', 'sj', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sr', 'st', 'su',
'sv', 'sy', 'sz', 'tc', 'td', 'tf', 'tg', 'th', 'tj', 'tk', 'tm', 'tn', 'to', 'tp', 'tr', 'tt', 'tv', 'tw', 'tz',
'ua', 'ug', 'uk', 'um', 'us', 'uy', 'uz', 'va', 'vc', 've', 'vg', 'vi', 'vn', 'vu', 'wf', 'ws', 'ye', 'yt', 'yu',
'za', 'zm', 'zr', 'zw', 'local'
URISON_VALUE_FORMAT = `[^\-0123456789 '!:(),*@$][^ '!:(),*@$]*`,
//###[ HELPERS ]########################################################################################################
* A parser to translate a Rison string such as `'(key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n))'` into its
* JSON object/array representation `{key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]}`. This is a helper class
* for the public Urison class below.
* @protected
* @memberof Urls
* @name UrisonParser
* @see https://github.com/Nanonid/rison
* @example
* new UrisonParser(error => { console.error(error); });
class UrisonParser {
#__className__ = 'UrisonParser';
#string = '';
#index = 0;
#message = null;
* Creates a new UrisonParser instance.
* All errors in this class result in a console error message rather than an exception. To work with occurring
* errors, define an errorCallback for the constructor and throw errors from there if needed.
* @param {Function} [errorHandler=null] - function to call in case parsing fails, receives the error message and the character index as parameters
const instance = this;
this.#errorHandler = isFunction(errorHandler) ? errorHandler : null;
// syntax tokens preceded with a "!" and the values they represent in JSON
this.#bangTokens = {
't' : true,
'f' : false,
'n' : null,
'(' : this.#parseArray
// syntax structure tokens and the procedures, that transform these tokens into json structure
this.#tokenMap = {
'!' : function(){
const char = instance.#string.charAt(instance.#index++);
if( char === '' ) return instance.#error('"!" at end of input');
const value = instance.#bangTokens[char];
if( value === undefined ) return instance.#error(`unknown literal: "!${char}"`);
if( isFunction(value) ) return value.call(this);
return value;
'(' : function(){
const res = {};
first = true,
while( (char = instance.#next()) !== ')' ){
if( !first ){
if( char !== ',' ){
return instance.#error('missing ","');
} else if( char === ',' ){
return instance.#error('extra ","');
} else {
const key = instance.#readValue();
if( key === undefined ) return undefined;
if( instance.#next() !== ':' ) return instance.#error('missing ":"');
const value = instance.#readValue();
if( value === undefined ) return undefined;
res[key] = value;
first = false;
return res;
"'" : function(){
const segments = [];
i = instance.#index,
start = instance.#index,
while( (char = instance.#string.charAt(i++)) !== "'" ){
if( char === '' ) return instance.#error(`unmatched "'"`);
if( char === '!' ){
if( start < (i - 1) ){
segments.push(instance.#string.slice(start, i - 1));
char = instance.#string.charAt(i++);
if( ['!', "'"].includes(char) ){
} else {
return instance.#error(`invalid string escape: "!${char}"`);
start = i;
if( start < (i - 1) ){
segments.push(instance.#string.slice(start, i - 1));
instance.#index = i;
return (segments.length === 1) ? segments[0] : segments.join('');
'-' : function(){
start = instance.#index - 1,
numberTypeMap = {
'int+.' : 'frac',
'int+e' : 'exp',
'frac+e' : 'exp'
s = instance.#string,
i = instance.#index,
numberType = 'int',
permittedSigns = '-'
do {
const char = s.charAt(i++);
if( char === '' ) break;
if( (char >= '0') && (char <= '9') ) continue;
if( permittedSigns.includes(char) ){
permittedSigns = '';
numberType = numberTypeMap[`${numberType}+${char.toLowerCase()}`];
if( numberType === 'exp' ){
permittedSigns = '-';
} while( numberType !== undefined );
instance.#index = i;
s = s.slice(start, i);
if( s === '-' ) return instance.#error('invalid number');
return Number(s);
for( let i = 0; i <= 9; i++ ){
tokenMap[`${i}`] = tokenMap['-'];
* Parses a Rison string into a JSON object.
* Resets internal parsing info, like parsing index, to start new parsing process.
* @param {String} risonString - the string to parse
* @returns {Object|Array|undefined} the parsed JSON object or undefined, in case parsing failed
* @example
* (new UrisonParser()).parse('(key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n))')
* => {key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]}
this.#string = `${risonString}`;
this.#index = 0;
this.#message = null;
let value = this.#readValue();
const trailingChar = this.#next();
if( !this.#message && (trailingChar !== undefined) ){
let detailMessage;
if( /\s/.test(trailingChar) ){
detailMessage = 'whitespace detected';
} else {
detailMessage = `trailing char "${trailingChar}"`;
value = this.#error(`unable to parse string "${risonString}", ${detailMessage}`);
if( this.#message && this.#errorHandler ){
this.#errorHandler(this.#message, this.#index);
return value;
* Parses the structure of an array. Is a helper function for #parse/#readValue.
* Works with previously set internal parsing info such as string and parsing index.
* @returns {Array|undefined} the parsed array or undefined, in case parsing failed
* @private
* @example
* this.#parseArray()
* => [true, null, 'value']
const res = [];
let char;
while( (char = this.#next()) !== ')' ){
if( char === '' ) return this.#error('unmatched "!("');
if( !isEmpty(res) ){
if( char !== ',' ){
return this.#error('missing ","');
} else if( char === ',' ){
return this.#error('extra ","');
} else {
const value = this.#readValue();
if( value === undefined ) return undefined;
return res;
* Either reads the next value or key in the current parser string or triggers recursive handling of syntax tokens.
* Progresses parsing to the next section so to speak.
* @returns {Object|Array|String|Number|Boolean|null|undefined} the parsed value or undefined if parsing failed
* @private
* @example
* this.#readValue()
* => 'valueorkeyorstructure'
char = this.#next(),
mapper = this.#tokenMap[char]
if( isFunction(mapper) ) return mapper.apply(this);
const i = this.#index - 1;
const matches = URISON_NEXT_VALUE_REX.exec(this.#string);
if( !isEmpty(matches) ){
const id = matches[0];
this.#index = i + id.length;
return id;
if( hasValue(char) && (char !== '') ) return this.#error(`invalid character "${char}"`);
return this.#error('empty expression');
* Reads the next character of the currently given Rison string, increments the index
* and returns the character.
* @returns {String|undefined} the next character or undefined if there is none
* @private
* @example
* this.#next()
* => '!'
i = this.#index,
if( i >= this.#string.length ) return undefined;
char = this.#string.charAt(i++);
this.#index = i;
return char;
* Sets the error message and writes it to `console.error()` for info purposes.
* This method does _not_ throw an exception, for this, please set an error handler
* in the constructor and throw it externally.
* @param {String} message - the error message
* @returns {undefined} is always undefined to be uniform return value for failed value parsing in case of error
* @private
* @example
* this.#error('oh noez')
* => undefined
console.error(`${this.#__className__} error: `, message);
this.#message = message;
return undefined;
//###[ EXPORTS ]########################################################################################################
* @namespace Urls:urlHref
* Will return a fully qualified URL based on the given URL base string for use as a href/source-value
* or navigation target.
* Provide a base URL or leave the URL out, to use the current URL.
* Add GET-parameters (adding to those already present in the URL), define an anchor (or automatically get the one
* defined in the URL).
* Provided URLs are handled with some automagic:
* - a URL starting with "//" will receive the current page protocol
* - a URL starting with a single "/" will be seen as relative and will be expanded to an absolute URL, based
* on the current URL
* - a URL starting with "?" will be treated as a singular query string, resulting in the query being added to the
* current URL, replacing any present query
* - a URL starting with "#" will be treated as a singular hash string, resulting in the hash being added to the
* current URL, replacing any present hash
* - if, after all automagic applied, the URL still does not start with a http-protocol, the current page's protocol
* will be added
* Provided params have to be a flat plain object, with ordinal values or arrays of ordinal values on the first level.
* Everything else will be stringified and url-encoded as is. Usually, parameters defined here add to present
* parameters in the URL. To force-override present values, declare the param name with a "!" prefix
* (`{'!presentparam' : 'new'}`).
* This method implements some quality-of-life improvements, that differ from the native result of `new URL().href`:
* - `+`-encoding for whitespace is replaced with `%20`, while `+` will stay what it is, a verbatim URL-safe character
* with repeating keys (`tags=1&tags=2&tags=3`)
* - empty parameters are rendered without "=". So, "?test=&foo" will be "?test&foo"
* - `path/?` will become just `path?`
* - `path/#` will become just `path#`
* - trailing slashes will be removed
* - parameters will be sorted alphabetically by keys
* (value order will be kept if possible, might change, when using markListParams)
* - identical key/value pairs will be reduced to one occurrence, so `?q=a&q=a` will become `?q=a`
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - the base URL to use, if nullish current location is used
* @param {?Object} [params=null] - plain object of GET-parameters to add to the url
* @param {?String} [anchor=null] - anchor/hash to set, has precedence over URL hash
* @param {?Boolean} [markListParams=false] - if true, params with more than one value will be marked with "[]" preceding the param name
* @param {?Boolean} [keepEncodedUrlSafeChars=false] - if true, encoded chars, which are URL-safe, are kept encoded, instead of being returned raw
* @throws error if url is not usable
* @returns {String} the created URL including parameters and anchor
* @memberof Urls:urlHref
* @alias urlHref
* @example
* buildUrl('https://test.com', {search : 'kittens', order : 'asc'}, 'fluffykittens');
* => 'https://test.com?search=kittens&order=asc#fluffykittens'
* buildUrl(null, {order : 'desc'});
* => 'https://current.url?order=desc'
export function urlHref(url=null, params=null, anchor=null, markListParams=false, keepEncodedUrlSafeChars=false){
const __methodName__ = 'urlHref';
url = orDefault(url, window.location.href, 'str');
params = isPlainObject(params) ? params : null;
anchor = orDefault(anchor, null, 'str');
markListParams = orDefault(markListParams, false, 'bool');
if( url === 'about:blank' ) return url;
if( url.trim() === '' ){
url = window.location.href;
if( url.startsWith('//') ){
url = `${window.location.protocol}${url}`;
} else if( url.startsWith('/') ){
url = `${window.location.origin}${url}`;
} else if( url.startsWith('?') ){
const anchorPart = !url.includes('#') ? window.location.href.split('#')[1] : null;
url = `${window.location.href.split('?')[0]}${url}${hasValue(anchorPart) ? '#'+anchorPart : ''}`;
} else if( url.startsWith('#') ){
url = `${window.location.href.split('#')[0]}${url}`;
if( !(/^https?:\/\//.test(url)) ){
url = `${window.location.protocol}//${url}`;
let urlObj;
try {
urlObj = new URL(url);
} catch(ex){
throw new Error(`${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | unusable URL "${url}" [${ex}]`);
if( hasValue(anchor) ){
urlObj.hash = anchor.startsWith('#') ? anchor : `#${anchor}`;
const urlParams = urlObj.searchParams;
if( hasValue(params) ){
for( let paramName in params ){
let overrideName = paramName;
if( paramName.startsWith('!') ){
overrideName = paramName.slice(1);
if( overrideName !== paramName ){
[].concat(params[paramName]).forEach(paramValue => {
urlParams.append(overrideName, `${paramValue}`);
if( markListParams ){
for( let k of urlParams.keys() ){
const cleanKey = k.replace(/\[]$/, '');
let presentValues = [].concat(urlParams.getAll(k));
if( k.endsWith('[]') ){
presentValues = presentValues.concat(urlParams.getAll(cleanKey));
if( (presentValues.length > 1) ){
presentValues.forEach(v => {
urlParams.append(`${cleanKey}[]`, v);
let query = urlObj.search
.replace(/\+/g, '%20')
.replace(/=&/g, '&')
.replace(/=$/g, '')
if( !keepEncodedUrlSafeChars ){
query = query
.replaceAll('%2B', '+')
.replaceAll('%5B', '[')
.replaceAll('%5D', ']')
let queryParts = query.startsWith('?') ? query.slice(1).split('&') : []
if( !isEmpty(queryParts) ){
queryParts.sort((a, b) => {
aKey = a.split('=')[0],
bKey = b.split('=')[0]
return (aKey < bKey) ? -1 : ((aKey > bKey) ? 1 : 0 );
queryParts = queryParts.filter((part, index) => {
if( index >= 1 ){
return queryParts.indexOf(part) === index;
} else {
return true;
query = `?${queryParts.join('&')}`;
let finalUrl;
if( !isEmpty(query) ){
finalUrl = `${urlObj.href.split('?')[0]}${query}${urlObj.hash}`.replace('/?', '?');
} else if( !isEmpty(urlObj.hash) && isEmpty(query) ){
finalUrl = `${urlObj.href.split('#')[0]}${urlObj.hash}`.replace('/#', '#');
} else {
finalUrl = urlObj.href.replace(/\/$/, '');
return keepEncodedUrlSafeChars ? finalUrl : replace(
['%2C', '%3A', '%40', '%24', '%2F', '%2B'],
[',', ':', '@', '$', '/', '+']
* @namespace Urls:urlParameter
* Searches for and returns parameters embedded in the provided url containing a query string
* (make sure all values are url encoded).
* You may also just provide the query string.
* Returns a single parameter's value if a parameter name is given, otherwise returns dictionary with all parameters
* as keys and the associated parameter value.
* If a parameter has more than one value the values are returned as an array, whether being requested by name
* or in the dictionary containing all params.
* If a parameter is set, but has no defined value (name present, but no = before next param)
* the value is returned as boolean true.
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - the url containing the parameter string, will use current URL if nullish
* @param {?String} [parameter=null] - the name of the parameter to extract
* @throws error if given url is not usable
* @returns {null|true|String|Array|Object} null in case the parameter doesn't exist, true in case it exists but has no value, a string in case the parameter has one value, or an array of values, or a dictionary object of all available parameters with corresponding values
* @memberof Urls:urlParameter
* @alias urlParameter
* @see urlHref
* @example
* const hasKittens = urlParameter('//foobar.com/bar?has_kittens', 'has_kittens');
* => true
* const hasDoggies = urlParameter('has_doggies=yes&has_doggies', 'has_doggies');
* => ['yes', true]
* const allTheData = urlParameter('?foo=foo&bar=bar&bar=barbar&bar');
* => {foo : 'foo', bar : ['bar', 'barbar', true]}
export function urlParameter(url=null, parameter=null){
url = urlHref(url, null, null, false, true);
parameter = orDefault(parameter, null, 'str');
searchParams = new URL(url).searchParams,
fMapParameterValue = parameterValue => ((parameterValue === '') ? true : parameterValue)
if( hasValue(parameter) ){
const parameterValues = searchParams.getAll(parameter);
if( parameterValues.length === 0 ){
return null;
} else if( parameterValues.length === 1 ){
return fMapParameterValue(parameterValues[0]);
} else {
return Array.from(new Set(parameterValues.map(fMapParameterValue)));
} else {
const parameters = {};
Array.from(searchParams.keys()).forEach(parameterName => {
const parameterValues = searchParams.getAll(parameterName);
if( parameterValues.length > 0 ){
parameters[parameterName] =
(parameterValues.length === 1)
? fMapParameterValue(parameterValues[0])
: Array.from(new Set(parameterValues.map(fMapParameterValue)))
return (size(parameters) > 0) ? parameters : null;
* @namespace Urls:urlParameters
* Searches for and returns parameters embedded in provided url with a parameter string.
* Semantic shortcut version of urlParameter without any given parameter.
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - the url containing the parameter string, will use current URL if nullish
* @throws error if given url is not usable
* @returns {Object|null} dictionary object of all parameters or null if url has no parameters
* @memberof Urls:urlParameters
* @alias urlParameters
* @see urlParameter
* @example
* const allParams = urlParameters('http://www.foobar.com?foo=foo&bar=bar&bar=barbar&bar');
* => {foo : 'foo', bar : ['bar', 'barbar', true]}
export function urlParameters(url=null){
return urlParameter(url);
* @namespace Urls:urlAnchor
* Returns the currently set URL-Anchor on given URL.
* Theoretically, this function also works with any other string containing a hash (as long as there is "#" included),
* since this implementation does not lean on "new URL()", but is a simple string operation.
* In comparison to "location.hash", this function actually decodes the hash automatically.
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - the url, in which to search for a hash, uses current url if nullish
* @param {?Boolean} [withCaret=false] - defines if the returned anchor value should contain leading "#"
* @throws error if given url is not usable
* @returns {String|null} current anchor value or null if no anchor was found
* @memberof Urls:urlAnchor
* @alias urlAnchor
* @example
* const anchorWithoutCaret = urlAnchor('https://foobar.com#test');
* => 'test'
* const hrefAnchorWithCaret = urlAnchor(linkElement.getAttribute('href'), true);
* => '#test'
* const decodedAnchorFromLocation = urlAnchor(window.location.hash);
export function urlAnchor(url=null, withCaret=false){
url = urlHref(url);
withCaret = orDefault(withCaret, false, 'bool');
const urlParts = url.split('#');
let anchor = (urlParts.length > 1) ? decodeURIComponent(urlParts[1].trim()) : null;
if( anchor === '' ){
anchor = null;
if( withCaret && hasValue(anchor) ){
anchor = `#${anchor}`;
return anchor;
* @namespace Urls:addNextParameter
* Adds a "next"-parameter to a given URL. If there is already a parameter of that name, it will be replaced.
* A "next"-parameter is usually used to relay a second URL, which should be redirected to after something happens,
* such as a login or another (possibly automatic) action.
* @param {?String} [url=''] - the URL to add the next parameter to, if left empty, will be "", which is synonymous with the current URL
* @param {?String} [next=''] - the next URL to add as parameter to the given URL (will automatically be URL-encoded)
* @param {?String} [paramName='next'] - the name of the next parameter
* @param {?Boolean} [assertSameBaseDomain=false] - if true, url and next must have the same base domain (ignoring subdomains), to prevent injections
* @param {?Array<String>} [additionalTopLevelDomains=null] - this function uses a list of common TLDs (if assertSameBaseDomain is true), if yours is missing, you may provide it, using this parameter
* @throws error if url or next are not usable URLs
* @throws error if assertBaseDomain is true an the base domains of url and next differ
* @returns {String} the transformed URL with the added next parameter
* @memberof Urls:addNextParameter
* @alias addNextParameter
* @see urlHref
* @example
* addNextParameter('https://foobar.com', 'https://foo.bar', 'redirect');
* => 'https://foobar.com?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar'
* addNextParameter('https://foobar.com?next=https%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar', 'https://kittens.com');
* => 'https://foobar.com?next=https%3A%2F%2Fkittens.com'
export function addNextParameter(url, next, paramName='next', assertSameBaseDomain=false, additionalTopLevelDomains=null){
const __methodName__ = 'addNextParameter';
url = urlHref(url);
next = urlHref(next);
paramName = orDefault(paramName, 'next', 'str');
assertSameBaseDomain = orDefault(assertSameBaseDomain, true, 'bool');
if( assertSameBaseDomain ){
evaluateBaseDomain(new URL(url).hostname, additionalTopLevelDomains) === evaluateBaseDomain(new URL(next).hostname, additionalTopLevelDomains),
`${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | different base domains in url and next`
const params = new URL(url).searchParams;
if( params.has(paramName) ){
log().info(`${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | replaced "${paramName}" value "${params.get(paramName)}" with "${next}"`);
return urlHref(url, {[`!${paramName}`] : next});
* @namespace Urls:addCacheBuster
* Adds a cache busting parameter to a given URL. If there is already a parameter of that name, it will be replaced.
* This prevents legacy browsers from caching requests by changing the request URL dynamically, based on current time.
* @param {?String|URL} [url=null] - the URL to add the cache busting parameter to, if nullish, the current URL will be used
* @param {?String} [paramName='_'] - the name of the cache busting parameter
* @throws error if url is not a usable URL
* @returns {String} the transformed URL with the added cache busting parameter
* @memberof Urls:addCacheBuster
* @alias addCacheBuster
* @see urlHref
* @example
* addCacheBuster('https://foobar.com');
* => 'https://foobar.com?_=1648121948009'
* addCacheBuster('https://foobar.com?next=https%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar', 'nocache');
* => 'https://foobar.com?next=https%3A%2F%2Ffoo.bar&nocache=1648121948009'
export function addCacheBuster(url=null, paramName='_'){
const __methodName__ = 'addCacheBuster';
url = urlHref(url);
params = new URL(url).searchParams,
buster = Date.now()
if( params.has(paramName) ){
log().info(`${MODULE_NAME}:${__methodName__} | replaced "${paramName}" value "${params.get(paramName)}" with "${buster}"`);
return urlHref(url, {[`!${paramName}`] : buster})
* @namespace Urls:evaluateBaseDomain
* Walks a domain string (e.g. foobar.barfoo.co.uk) backwards, separated by dots, skips over all top level
* domains it finds and includes the first non-TLD value to retrieve the base domain without any subdomains
* (e.g. barfoo.co.uk).
* This is not completely fool-proof in case of very exotic TLDs, but quite robust in most cases.
* This method is particularly helpful if you want to set a domain cookie while being on a subdomain.
* @param {String} domain - the domain string (hostname), which should be evaluated; you may also provide a full, parsable URL, from which to extract the hostname
* @param {?Array<String>} [additionalTopLevelDomains=null] - this function uses a list of common TLDs, if yours is missing, you may provide it, using this parameter
* @returns {String} the evaluated base domain string
* @memberof Urls:evaluateBaseDomain
* @alias evaluateBaseDomain
* @example
* evaluateBaseDomain('foobar.barfoo.co.uk');
* => 'barfoo.co.uk'
* evaluateBaseDomain('https://foobar.barfoo.co.uk/?foo=bar');
* => 'barfoo.co.uk'
export function evaluateBaseDomain(domain, additionalTopLevelDomains=null){
domain = orDefault(domain, window.location.hostname, 'str');
additionalTopLevelDomains = orDefault(additionalTopLevelDomains, null, 'arr');
let url;
try {
url = new URL(domain);
} catch(error){
url = null;
if( hasValue(url) ){
domain = url.hostname;
topLevelDomains = new Set([
...(hasValue(additionalTopLevelDomains) ? additionalTopLevelDomains.map(tld => `${tld}`) : [])
domainParts = domain.split('.').reverse()
let baseDomain = domain;
if( domainParts.length > 2 ){
let i;
for( i = 0; i < domainParts.length; i++ ){
if( !topLevelDomains.has(domainParts[i]) ){
baseDomain = domainParts.slice(0, i + 1).reverse().join('.');
return baseDomain;
* @namespace Urls:Urison
* A class, which (re)implements the "Rison" standard of en- and decoding JSON structures to and from URL-safe strings,
* which can be used as parameter or hash values, while staying readable and avoiding characters, which are not meant
* to be used inside a URL.
* This is a renamed reimplementation of ES5 Rison, which has not gotten an update for years and should be fully
* compatible with other available parsers for that standard.
* The basic idea is this:
* We have some kind of complex data structure we want to serialize to a URL, to represent a current search and filter
* setup for example. This structure should also be retrievable easily after a reload, to be able to use that config
* as a starting point again for the page's search and filter widgets. A big plus here would be readability, which,
* for instance, gets lost, if we just were to url-encode JSON as-is.
* This class provides the means to en- and decode JSON structures for usage in URLs. Additionally, it provides methods
* to explicitly work with objects and array, for the en- and decoding process, removing the necessity to include
* brackets into the result, making the string even leaner.
* See class documentation below for details.
* @memberof Urls:Urison
* @name Urison
* @see Urison
* @see https://github.com/Nanonid/rison
* @example
* (new Urison()).encode({key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]})
* => '(key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n))'
* (new Urison()).decode('(key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n))')
* => {key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]}
* (new Urison()).encodeObject({key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]})
* => 'key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n)'
* (new Urison()).decodeObject('key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n)')
* => {key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]}
* (new Urison()).encodeArray([false, 42, null])
* => '!f,42,!n'
* (new Urison()).decodeArray('!f,42,!n')
* => [false, 42, null]
class Urison {
#__className__ = 'Urison';
* Creates a new Urison en- and decoder.
* @param {Boolean} [autoEscape=true] - if true, all keys and values are automatically uri-encoded and decoded if necessary, set this to false to keep values as is
const instance = this;
autoEscape = orDefault(autoEscape, true, 'bool');
this.#autoEscape = autoEscape ? this.escape : val => val;
this.#autoUnescape = autoEscape ? decodeURIComponent : val => val;
// procedure map, defining how data types are string-represented in Rison
this.#encoders = {
const res = [];
for( let v of value ){
const encodedValue = instance.encode(v);
if( isString(encodedValue) ){
return `!(${res.join(',')})`;
return !!value ? '!t' : '!f';
return '!n';
if( !isFinite(value) ) return '!n';
return `${value}`.replace(/\+/, '');
if( hasValue(value) ){
if( isArray(value) ){
return this.array(value);
const keys = Object.keys(value);
const res = [];
for( let key of keys ){
const v = instance.encode(value[key]);
if( isString(v) ){
const k = isNaN(parseInt(key, 10)) ? this.string(key) : this.number(key);
return `(${res.join(',')})`;
return '!n';
if( value === '' ) return "''";
if( URISON_VALUE_REX.test(value) ) return value;
value = value.replace(/(['!])/g, function(_, quotedChar){
return `!${quotedChar}`;
return `'${value}'`;
this.#parser = (new UrisonParser((error, index) => {
throw Error(`decoding error [${error}] at string index ${index}`);
* Encodes a JSON value to a Rison string.
* @param {Array|Object|String|Number|Boolean|null} value - the value to encode
* @throws error if encoding fails or value is not usable JSON
* @returns {String|undefined} the encoded Rison string or undefined if value cannot be encoded
* @example
* (new Urison()).encode({key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]})
* => '(key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n))'
const __methodName__ = 'encode';
if( isFunction(value?.toJson) ){
value = value.toJson();
if( isFunction(value?.toJSON) ){
value = value.toJSON();
const encoder = this.#encoders[typeof value];
if( !isFunction(encoder) ){
throw new Error(`${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | invalid data type`);
let res;
try {
res = encoder.call(this.#encoders, value);
} catch(ex){
throw new Error(`${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | encoding error [${ex}]`);
return this.#autoEscape(this.#autoUnescape(res));
* Encodes a JSON value to a Rison string.
* @param {Object} value - the object to encode
* @returns {String|undefined} the encoded Rison string or undefined if value cannot be encoded
* @throws error if value is not an object
* @example
* (new Urison()).encodeObject({key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]})
* => 'key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n)'
const __methodName__ = 'encodeObject';
if( !isObject(value) ){
throw new Error(`${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | value is not an object`);
const res = this.#encoders.object(value);
return this.#autoEscape(this.#autoUnescape(res.substring(1, res.length - 1)));
* Encodes a JSON array to a Rison string.
* @param {Array} value - the array to encode
* @returns {String|undefined} the encoded Rison string or undefined if value cannot be encoded
* @throws error if value is not an array
* @example
* (new Urison()).encodeArray([false, 42, null])
* => '!f,42,!n'
const __methodName__ = 'encodeArray';
if( !isArray(value) ){
throw new Error(`${this.#__className__}.${__methodName__} | value is not an array`);
const res = this.#encoders.array(value);
return this.#autoEscape(this.#autoUnescape(res.substring(2, res.length - 1)));
* Decodes a Rison string to a JSON value.
* @param {String} risonString - the Rison string to decode
* @returns {Object|Array|String|Number|Boolean|null} the decoded JSON value
* @throws error if decoding fails
* @example
* (new Urison()).decode('(key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n))')
* => {key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]}
return this.#parser.parse(this.#autoUnescape(risonString));
* Decodes a shortened Rison object string to a JSON object.
* @param {String} risonString - the Rison object string to decode
* @returns {Object} the decoded JSON object
* @throws error if decoding fails
* @example
* (new Urison()).decodeObject('key1:value,key2:!t,key3:!(!f,42,!n)')
* => {key1 : 'value', key2 : true, key3 : [false, 42, null]}
return this.decode(`(${risonString})`);
* Decodes a shortened Rison array string to a JSON array.
* @param {String} risonString - the Rison array string to decode
* @returns {Array} the decoded JSON array
* @throws error if decoding fails
* @example
* (new Urison()).decodeArray('!f,42,!n')
* => [false, 42, null]
return this.decode(`!(${risonString})`);
* URI-Escapes a value, if necessary, according to the rules of Rison, which is a little bit
* more lax than native uri encoding (allows [,:@$/+]).
* This method has one difference to the reference implementation:
* We do _not_ encode whitespace as "+", but as "%20". This is done, because "+"-encoding is not
* compatible with `decodeURIComponent` and makes working with URL-encoded values manually painful.
* So here, "+" is just a normal, allowed URL-safe character and whitespace becomes "%20".
* Since `encode_uri` was never automatically applied in Rison, this should not break anything.
* @param {String} value - the value to escape problematic chars in
* @returns {String} uri-encoded string
* @example
* (new Urison()).escape('abc,:@')
* => 'abc%2C%3A%40'
value = `${value}`;
if( /^[\-A-Za-z0-9~!*()_.',:@$\/+]*$/.test(value) ) return value;
return replace(
['%2C', '%3A', '%40', '%24', '%2F', '%2B'],
[',', ':', '@', '$', '/', '+']
export {Urison};